Pronađeno rezultata: 1171
Just throwing some out there, i'm sure not all of you will agree with every one of them.
I haven't added any specific prices for upgrades because it is the devs choice really, even though none of these upgrades are dramatically game changing.

(note to mods: I gave this a new thread so players can shed new light on mainly what upgrades need to be added for the new desert storm strat, also, the ugrade sticky is fairly neglected.)

unit upgrades
Submarine Capactiy II - +1 Capacity for submarines
Helicopter Capacity I - Your Helicopters can now carry 3 infantry or marines
Helicopter Capacity II - +1 Capacity for helicopters
Cheaper Anti-aircraft I - -30 for aa's
Cheaper Anti-aircraft II - and extra -30 for aa's (this will make anti aircrafts actually usefull.
Efficient Anti-Aircrafts - +1 defence bonus for aa's against all air units

General Upgrades
General Helicopter Range - Your general gives your helicopter +1 range when being carried by the helicopter
General Helicopter attack - +1 Attack for Helicopters
Stealth General - your general now acts as a stealth unit at all times (makes the general actually useful in MOS and GW)
General Marine and stealth attack - +1 attack to marines and stealths (will be separate upgrade /lazy)
General Stack Bonus - your general provides a 2.5% addition to stack bonus in attack and defence
General Army Management - you receive a 10% refund on troops you disband when they are in your generals stack (if disbanded is ever implemented)

forward scout Party - adds a satellite sentry is placed in your capital at the start of the game free of charge (able to turn this off)
Nuclear testing - (1000000 sp) adds a afterwind (well that's what it will say, it will really give a cardboard nuke) into your capital at the start of the game.
13.03.2012 u Anti-Aircraft
Napisao Deray YG, 13.03.2012 at 15:35

Napisao Aristosseur, 13.03.2012 at 15:10

Taking in mind that they are extremely underused I'd like to see a rework on them.

They're only really used against SM players so yeah I agree with you there.

not even against them, it is cheaper to use infantry
13.03.2012 u Enemy list
Why didn't you add a symbol for friend?
13.03.2012 u Guerrilla Warfare?
Yup GW is best for low income countries with a high amount of reinforcements, so south america, west china, middle east, eastern europe, and if your income is more than your enemy, you have most likely beat them because you can push huge amounts of troops at them.

for high income, mos is superior
Wait? Microsoft is already it the tablet market, it was in the tablet market years before Apple, they started way back in 2001, Apple just made the popular because they have 1000000000000985769348574958734 screaming fan girls who piss their pants over the 6monthly installment of a new product that have no real new features.
It's optimised for touchscreen lmao, also i think you can switch back to traditional view
Plz implement this, because i will rape you all with mos stealths ok
Scenario - fruit takes mos uk and idake is in spain. idake believes he can beat fruit by 100%ing italy and not bothering with france, fruit knows this so it goes for germany, and walls france, only to find 1 more inf in germany, he then ragequits.
02.03.2012 u Cool names
Empire SRBjia

but sorry, it's taken
02.03.2012 u How is SP calculated?
Idk, but i know taking all a fair amount of cities in europe with marines in one turn can get you 300+sp in one turn
Napisao Ivan, 01.03.2012 at 03:04

Napisao Guest, 29.02.2012 at 19:26

So i saw how you can get 'free' premium from kongregate, so i decided to make an account...

After I made this account, which i named RoodyMcNipple, i mixed up both accounts and wasted 7500 SP adding a (1) to my name...

Then, instead of connecting accounts on first login, i spent 5 hours on surveys and got premium with 'kreds'

Now I cant connect 'RoodyMcNipple' to my account "RoodyMcNipples1' What do I do? Or did I just waste 20 kreds and 7500 SP for nothing?

These are 2 different Afterwind accounts, you can't combine them. But I can transfer your Coalitions pack to the RoodyMcNipples1 account.

thought i'd use this post to get your attention about kongregate

The plays on the game for dramatically increase until you incorporate badges into the game, i don't know exactly how it works. but is requires for the game to be above 4 stars with a certain amount of votes, and you generally get badges in quicker if your game is sponsored

here is the sponsorship page incorporate - pretty much 99% sure you won't want to do this though, because i think it gives the site some say in how the game is developed, will give you more revenue though.
Napisao Amok, 01.03.2012 at 11:50

How exactly is this different from the duel system that we have now? Is this basically the same thing, just that the score coefficient will be calculated not based on the current SP, but on the SP earned from all the previous duels? And that score will start from 1000 (or 1200). Because for us it would be so much easier to just update the current duel system.

because duels are just duels, the elo system is your ranking against every other player in game.
29.02.2012 u SP reset?
Napisao YOBA, 29.02.2012 at 13:29

No. this should be premium-only because it's not really "necessary" for the game experience. However, you shouldn't have to pay every time you reset. You should only be able to do it once every 2 weeks or something though so it's not abused (wouldn't want perfectly-outfitted rank 4s).

Neither is name reset, yet you can pay for those, also, upgrades were never meant to be overpowering, just a slight advantage, mainly higher ranks are just more cost effective than lower ranks, and not more powerful. I don't see a need to limit the reset, if you can swap strategies whenever you want, what is the problem with resetting upgrades whenever you want?
29.02.2012 u SP reset?
Another thing that could be a premium feature, added into sp discounts (cost say 500 sp to reset without premium?)
I will be the latejoining wallfucking and turnblocking king, oh i will ally everyone too because i am nice
27.02.2012 u A question
If you were able to move your super cheap marine stacks so easy, the strat would be op, trans cost are for balancing
26.02.2012 u Upgrades Overhaul
Yeah these upgrades would make high ranks way too op, autonomy is a very good idea, and should be included not in an upgrade
22.02.2012 u 1v1 Ukraine
Sure, but generally as eastern europe, if you can hold either italy or germany, it's gg
22.02.2012 u 1v1 Ukraine
Napisao Acquiesce, 20.02.2012 at 09:58

Players using Ukraine will most likely be playing SM. They will be losing money very quickly every turn so all you have to do is protect your capital until week 10ish. If you do this your opponent should quickly go bankrupt.


very wrong, if you get all of russia and scandanvia quickly, you have a comfortable income very quickly

if you play ukrainesm right, you should have all the russian capitals by turn two, and scandanvian capitals by turn two/three, can also get poland or romania first turn, i reccomend poland if your enemy isn't playing germany so you can hit it on turn two
Napisao Guest, 16.02.2012 at 10:36

Napisao YOBA, 15.02.2012 at 14:26

It wouldn't really give us any useful information... a really good player can adapt to any country, whereas noobs don't really care anyway.

Same about strats, still they are shown in the profile.

Strats give info on what they are most likely to be using in game, and also they might be weak at one's that aren't on their top played, and if you find out what they are using, it's a bonus.
Do not support.

whether you like it or not, forming and breaking pacts are just a tactic that is part of the game, listing every player that is a backstabber will turn this game into a permanent team game, sorry.
Yeah, chrome is all i have ever used, no issues
06.02.2012 u Special unit ideas
Yeah iraq really does
05.02.2012 u Special unit ideas
Iraq has a carboard nuke, made my day
02.02.2012 u Coalition Wars
It is actually possible to 2v2 coaltion war through a bug.

3 players from one coalition and 2 from another, two from each join and the last person leaves.
Why da hell would you play russia as MOS, you want to play with a cheap country that has a ton on reinforcement, so ukraine, but SM ukraine is far superior, and cheaper, seeing as you have to pay for less air trans to expand quickly, and air trans are cheaper.
Napisao Jubapreta, 01.02.2012 at 16:04

They also can't become officers or leaders, I fear. Although I recall having read that, if becoming one while temporally having the respective premium feature, they'll still maintain that position after the expiry of the respective feature.
Not completely sure, though.

yeah i can confirm this
01.02.2012 u Coalition Wars
Napisao Hugosch, 01.02.2012 at 16:12

The only problem now is: The coalitions with a less competence points will get more CP when winning, so more chance of winning the season. For example: BM2 will get about 50/60 points when winning, while BM, SRB and Dalmati will gain 20/30 against the same opponent. So, if we both play the same opponents, and BM wins all their matches, while BM2 win 8 and lose 2, then BM2 is still winner of the season.

the whole system is flawed, as i have pointed out

it is supposed to encourage people to CW, yet it doesn't, and the least strongest coaltions in the game will end up winning the seasons.
01.02.2012 u Coalition Wars
Nono it's peoples interests to have coalitions ordered by competence lol, much easier to see which people to farm and which people to avoid. xaxaxa

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