27.09.2021 - 11:54
Just wanted to share something that has really helped me. When I first started playing At War, one of the main reasons I would have to leave a game was my wrist getting sore. And then I discovered the vertical mouse, which is considered to be much more ergonomic. It truly is. Ever since I switched to using a vertical mouse, I havent experienced wrist pain at all. I have been using a vertical mouse for the last several years, and I would never go back to using a standard horizontal mouse. As fancy as a vertical mouse sounds, they are inexpensive as long as you avoid the big name brands. You should be able to pick one up for $10 to $15 USD depending on whether you want wired or wireless, and that includes shipping.
27.09.2021 - 17:31
I don't get it. how can your wrists hurt when using your mouse? it takes barely any movement to move your cursor.
27.09.2021 - 20:03
when you play the game and get good, you make more moves and better plays = more pain.
27.09.2021 - 21:05
LOL. Perhaps you don't experience it. Yet. Give it another 10 to 15 years. But it's perfectly normal and natural to end up with sore wrists from using a standard mouse for any significant amount of time (e.g. gaming, etc). It has nothing to do with the amount of strength it takes to move a cursor. It's about the unnatural position of the joint (i.e. wrist). I don't even know how to answer such a....stupid question. You ever heard of something called carpal tunnel syndrome?
27.09.2021 - 21:56
no, when you get good you realize that you are trading other life skills for a small boost of ego on an estonian board game
how is it unnatural. i don't even move my wrist using my mouse. i rest my hand on the mouse gently and move the cursor by slightly pushing and pulling my fingers. if you get wrist pain, then you aren't using your mouse correctly.
27.09.2021 - 22:03
And what makes you think everybody is the perfect size in order to use a horizontal mouse correctly? Hence, the vertical mouse, which solves everything. But you realize you are now answering your own question. A short while ago, you were wondering how in the world anybody could possibly get wrist pain. In your last post, you explain it.
27.09.2021 - 22:11
I got a vertical mouse a year or so ago after Abraham recommended it... it really is great. Since I work at my computer all day long it makes a difference.
27.09.2021 - 22:57
sorry about your small hands. didn't realize you got small hands. you know what they say about men with small hands... hehe
28.09.2021 - 01:15
They make better proctologists?
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28.09.2021 - 15:40
I may have made this suggestion on the forums here a few years ago. I have been using one for several years now. My only regret is i didnt discover them much sooner. They really do make a huge difference. I would never go back to a horizontal. The only way i use a horizontal is if im traveling and want to use a bluetooth mouse i have with my phone, since i dont have a bluetooth vertical.
28.09.2021 - 15:49
lol your being a hater kid. haters never prosper. winners like me always prosper. why don't you be someone who can bring others up rather then stomping them down you hater epistein lover kid.
29.09.2021 - 20:48
Idk why you're taking facts as insults. stop crying and embrace smart thinking. stop cry
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