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22.08.2017 - 08:58
Techically, stacking bonus should be calculated as an entire stack, but according to some theories it could be calculated based on unit type.

For example, 1 aa 99 infantry would still have the aa die quickly due to bombers/helicopters having a massive stacking bonus (against the AA unit type) and killing it instantly.
This hypothesis could explain why aas do jackshit, especially if you don't bring them in stacks of 10.

Any thoughts?

22.08.2017 - 10:23
It IS the entire stack. Go do some tests if you dont believe...
30.08.2017 - 11:26
Napisao Permamuted, 22.08.2017 at 10:23

It IS the entire stack. Go do some tests if you dont believe...

Laochra again with an incomplete-yet-seems-right theory. Then he order other players to make tests and make calls about how he had never mislead low ranks. Funny stuff.

To answer the question, is not by unit type, nor by unit stack. There's a formula from which both factors takes part.

More information here:
30.08.2017 - 12:16
Napisao clovis1122, 30.08.2017 at 11:26

Napisao Permamuted, 22.08.2017 at 10:23

It IS the entire stack. Go do some tests if you dont believe...

Laochra again with an incomplete-yet-seems-right theory. Then he order other players to make tests and make calls about how he had never mislead low ranks. Funny stuff.

To answer the question, is not by unit type, nor by unit stack. There's a formula from which both factors takes part.

More information here:

theory? what i said is perfectly correct and answers his question. The formula refers to a unit stack. You only think it doesnt because your english sucks. I love how you try to take every opportunity to bash me and make yourself look like a bitter idiot in the process.
30.08.2017 - 12:54
Napisao Permamuted, 30.08.2017 at 12:16

The formula refers to a unit stack. You only think it doesnt because your english sucks.

This is why you're misleading low ranks. The formula only account the current unit's defensive unit. If there was an unit with more defense than the AA, then when that unit battle the helis/bombers, the AA's bonus wouldn't be accounted. It is NOT ONLY the entire stack, BUT ALSO the battling unit's type.

But I love how you try to hide your lack of knowledge in a subject by judging the other's language rather than actual proof. Didn't you made the same with TB priorities? That's why so many people are mislead about them.
30.08.2017 - 13:08
Napisao clovis1122, 30.08.2017 at 12:54

The formula only account the current unit's defensive unit.

You accuse me of misleading low ranks with english skills like this?

My answer is still correct. Expand upon it to luketan if you will but leave out the stupid attempts to burn/insult me. You're only embarassing yourself. The formula is only a curiosity. It wont actually help in games. Just knowlege of how the bonus works will do that.
30.08.2017 - 14:21
Dear god, you two are so boring.


Napisao Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
30.08.2017 - 17:19
^ Typical example of a bee going against the wall over and over again. For the readers, don't believe everything that someone post, specially when it lacks of proof.

Also I discourage any serious player to go over the concept without understanding the formula. You can't claim to understand how it works when all you know is what it does.
30.08.2017 - 18:37
Napisao clovis1122, 30.08.2017 at 12:54

Napisao Permamuted, 30.08.2017 at 12:16

The formula refers to a unit stack. You only think it doesnt because your english sucks.

This is why you're misleading low ranks. The formula only account the current unit's defensive unit. If there was an unit with more defense than the AA, then when that unit battle the helis/bombers, the AA's bonus wouldn't be accounted. It is NOT ONLY the entire stack, BUT ALSO the battling unit's type.

But I love how you try to hide your lack of knowledge in a subject by judging the other's language rather than actual proof. Didn't you made the same with TB priorities? That's why so many people are mislead about them.

oh. i i didn't even know
30.08.2017 - 22:50
I'd start running tests, but unfortunately I don't have full upgrades

02.09.2017 - 20:31
Napisao LukeTan, 30.08.2017 at 22:50

I'd start running tests, but unfortunately I don't have full upgrades

Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
02.09.2017 - 20:34
Napisao clovis1122, 30.08.2017 at 11:26

Napisao Permamuted, 22.08.2017 at 10:23

It IS the entire stack. Go do some tests if you dont believe...

Laochra again with an incomplete-yet-seems-right theory. Then he order other players to make tests and make calls about how he had never mislead low ranks. Funny stuff.

To answer the question, is not by unit type, nor by unit stack. There's a formula from which both factors takes part.

More information here:

nice latino schools
sad people that actually upvoted LMAO...
just saw this too...
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
02.09.2017 - 20:41
I think clovis just has bad english

02.09.2017 - 20:47
Napisao LukeTan, 02.09.2017 at 20:41

I think clovis just has bad english

i think you are just as retarded as him
edit: just like all of those
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
03.09.2017 - 03:47
Napisao SyrianDevil, 02.09.2017 at 20:34

nice latino schools
sad people that actually upvoted LMAO...
just saw this too...

Sign, i choosed the wrong term. I'd prefer Spanish adjectives rules I guess.

Nonetheless I'm impressed how everybody suddenly feel the need to disqualify my work based on my English. It may make it less understandable, but it doesn't makes the ideas more or less right.

Just dropping a reminder that I'm all open for improvement. Send me a PM whenever I make theses types of mistakes.
03.09.2017 - 06:33

this is pd vs IF and as you can see those are impossible rolls according to clovis
+ 1imba unit with 100def 100 hp beats 800 IF with 11 damage mix
man stop this fucking bullshit its just random making mathmetic shits over a lie........ you can never be certain no matter what you send in this logic the 12inf attacking 8inf of netural should be save win yet even 14 sometimes loss where is the the 70% effective luck factors? thats not how rolls work that cant be of what i have seen...
+ long ago me and laochra did something which is 25mos marine 20inf vs 40gc inf back there gc inf had +1 hp +1defense, and with out including that the general doesnt give attack to marines but it gives defense to the inf so its 8attack vs 8 def with +1hp therefore the mulitipier of the defending units should have been bigger by far taking to the fact what clovis said the gc should always win yet the mos won (tried more then 6times as far as i remember)
and what if the reducer is 2 you can still see the enemy rolling + 4 with his 8 attack tanks which is impossible as well according to what clovis have said
the fact that its a certain system is undeniable but not just that simple...
that cant be right.. that goes against everything i have experienced in this game and i have experienced alot really really alot i used to spend at least a daily 6hour on this game and simple luck would not effect the battle field severally by this logic
mister ~Eagle and ~Laochra would agree with this because they both know this game well so take their approval before you deny anything i have said

edit: i guess try a 240some unit with 6 attack(HW marine) vs 40 inf with 6def and they should never roll + 1 not even 2 just 1(according to clovis) and i doubt that this would happen anyways
and i have just seen this posted in some old post by me "1year ago in duel against clovis he send 12inf and gen pd to shingahai and i send 10NC destroyer + general and 2inf he win gG"
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
03.09.2017 - 09:35
Napisao SyrianDevil, 03.09.2017 at 06:33

this is pd vs IF and as you can see those are impossible rolls according to clovis
+ 1imba unit with 100def 100 hp beats 800 IF with 11 damage mix

When did I said that it was impossible?

i don't even like that word.

Napisao SyrianDevil, 03.09.2017 at 06:33

man stop this fucking bullshit its just random making mathmetic shits over a lie........

That's not a proper way of testing. Results must be documented accompanied with screenshots and results analysis, It's not "I lost this battle, trust the game is pure luck".

Napisao SyrianDevil, 03.09.2017 at 06:33

and i have just seen this posted in some old post by me "1year ago in duel against clovis he send 12inf and gen pd to shingahai and i send 10NC destroyer + general and 2inf he win gG"

Well, I don't have the calculator at hand. But that looks possible to me.

If what you're complaining about it's me pulling out my battle stacking bonus theory from nowhere, then why don't you go give a read at the battle mechanic code posted by Ivan. Or to the bunch of people that tested my calculator and found the odds to be accurate enough.
03.09.2017 - 10:32
Napisao clovis1122, 03.09.2017 at 09:35

Napisao SyrianDevil, 03.09.2017 at 06:33

this is pd vs IF and as you can see those are impossible rolls according to clovis
+ 1imba unit with 100def 100 hp beats 800 IF with 11 damage mix

When did I said that it was impossible?

i don't even like that word.

Napisao SyrianDevil, 03.09.2017 at 06:33

man stop this fucking bullshit its just random making mathmetic shits over a lie........

That's not a proper way of testing. Results must be documented accompanied with screenshots and results analysis, It's not "I lost this battle, trust the game is pure luck".

Napisao SyrianDevil, 03.09.2017 at 06:33

and i have just seen this posted in some old post by me "1year ago in duel against clovis he send 12inf and gen pd to shingahai and i send 10NC destroyer + general and 2inf he win gG"

Well, I don't have the calculator at hand. But that looks possible to me.

If what you're complaining about it's me pulling out my battle stacking bonus theory from nowhere, then why don't you go give a read at the battle mechanic code posted by Ivan. Or to the bunch of people that tested my calculator and found the odds to be accurate enough.

no sense at all...
discussing with someone recalling defeating 10 destroyers which has 12att 10def + 2 inf with 5att 7def with 12inf 5att +8def is very logical...
piss off loser...............
lets open old files as long as you do not want to make any sense and want to act like if you are decent guy who everybody hates for no reason to prove that you are a kid and have no connection to gaming just buttlicker and a mod wanna be..
you have always exploited this game every time i have disconnected in duel against you, you ended turn fast and then ask for tie through i be winning obviously then you ask for tie like a cow,, took free duels and that happened more then 3 times and every time i banned you back there,, even in spart's tourniment you started to ignore my call for challenge for plus 2 weeks until spart threatened you then you played instantly and you did that against stryko in my own tourney as well,,, always trusted on luck and always got it many times cheated in cws but when i have wall glitched you and hacked your walls you cried,,,i did cw your clan few days ago with noobs and you spied our clan chat even through we gave you easy cw so freak shit really... i did create tactics back there in syndicate and you put them as a beginner forum guide(waffel can approve)
i even thought you how to hack this game and you reported it in your name... you abused friendship in all of those matters just for moderators attention even this post and all of your annoying responses and all of your personal attack posts are just for attention seeking
i have seen retardness in most of latinos that uses internet so dont worry nobody blames you
this topic you have made makes no sense long we have played and there have been no way to predict battles since a certain time when the tb system was getting changed alot admins did something to the rolls made them totally random and lowered the netural cities growth rate in europe before that 9inf could defeat 8 militia all every single time and 7inf could always take austria with like 4-5 losses always it has suddenly changed and many people who have been crying for rolls all these years have noticed the change but nobody believes they think we cry.... my strategies were very effective before this has happened fuck a game where you always have to worry about getting turn blocked by 50$ worthing unit admins just felt like there should not be just 1 clan or 1 guy winning always so they decided to give shit holes like you chance and never answered any complainment about it because they suck like you
bla bla bla bla this game is social troll site it has no connection to competition anymore
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
03.09.2017 - 11:39
Napisao SyrianDevil, 03.09.2017 at 10:32

you have always exploited this game every time i have disconnected in duel against you, you ended turn fast and then ask for tie through i be winning obviously then you ask for tie like a cow,

Wow clovis a serial offender it appears. In the first duel season after the trophies were introduced he did this to waffel too in the last few days of the season. Waffel was winning a mideast duel and disconnected. Clovis grabbed some key capitals and ended turn and then when waffel reconnected he demanded a tie. Losing that game wouldve fucked him since waffel had low seasonal.

Id forgotten this. And people going around calling clovis honourable.
03.09.2017 - 14:56
Napisao SyrianDevil, 03.09.2017 at 10:32


Nice selling yourself

Napisao Permamuted, 03.09.2017 at 11:39

Waffel was winning a mideast duel and disconnected. Clovis grabbed some key capitals and ended turn and then when waffel reconnected he demanded a tie. Losing that game wouldve fucked him since waffel had low seasonal.

You're welcome

Neither comment remotely related to this thread....

BTW, don't forget:

Napisao Permamuted, 15.09.2017 at 18:08

Im wrong all the time.
03.09.2017 - 16:55
Napisao clovis1122, 03.09.2017 at 14:56

Napisao SyrianDevil, 03.09.2017 at 10:32


Nice selling yourself

Napisao Permamuted, 03.09.2017 at 11:39

Waffel was winning a mideast duel and disconnected. Clovis grabbed some key capitals and ended turn and then when waffel reconnected he demanded a tie. Losing that game wouldve fucked him since waffel had low seasonal.

You're welcome

Neither comment remotely related to this thread....

nice trying to change proposal lol :D andddd i told him i wanted to join before i left sp police at all... any mod you would ask to check my pr chat with laochra at the time i kicked sp police will confirm that and i give permission to any mod to check it go cry to mods now
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
03.09.2017 - 17:53
Napisao clovis1122, 03.09.2017 at 14:56

Napisao SyrianDevil, 03.09.2017 at 10:32


Nice selling yourself

Napisao Permamuted, 03.09.2017 at 11:39

Waffel was winning a mideast duel and disconnected. Clovis grabbed some key capitals and ended turn and then when waffel reconnected he demanded a tie. Losing that game wouldve fucked him since waffel had low seasonal.

You're welcome

Neither comment remotely related to this thread....

Well at least youre not lying about it for a change. Although you cant i guess because waffel will call you out.
04.09.2017 - 12:20
 Heat Check (Moderator)
Locked at OPs request


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