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Objave: 3   Posjećeno od: 74 users
17.09.2017 - 07:46
Against a good China player, what is the best way to deal with China as India, from Turn 1 to further turns, can you include tips on how to using Sky Menace as Strategy
Tender is the Night...
17.09.2017 - 08:41
With what funds?
What china are you against?
What's china's strat?
Is there anyone behind you (in the middle east and europe)?
Does china have any enemies?
Is this asia, eurasia or world?

17.09.2017 - 11:51
Napisao LukeTan, 17.09.2017 at 08:41

With what funds?
What china are you against?
What's china's strat?
Is there anyone behind you (in the middle east and europe)?
Does china have any enemies?
Is this asia, eurasia or world?

Is your enemy a guy or a girl? ... her age?
''People ask for criticism, but they only want praise.''

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