09.05.2015 - 13:39 The Dominium Constitution Article I - Introduction Section A It is declared that this group shall, from henceforth, be known as 'The Dominium' abbreviated to 'DM' and all members that come forth shall put the interests of 'The Dominium' before those of themselves. Section B It has been known that this group has been informally recognised as 'The Executive Committee' or in abbreviated format, 'The EC', but from henceforth, the formal name of this organisation shall and only be, 'The Dominium'. Article II - Aims Section A The first and foremost aim of this organisation, is to propel forth the community of the internet entity of 'Atwar-Game', through means of cartography, coalition-alliance creation, and increasing memberships. Article III - Objectives Section A One of the most effective tools that shall be utilised by 'The Dominium' is cartography, and one can use cartography in a variety of ways. Firstly one can use cartography to increase the satisfaction rate of the community. This will be done by training members of the community - those who join the committee; to create high quality maps for the community itself; in the Royal Academy of Adog. Section B The Creation of a monopoly of maps owned, administrated or influenced by the entity known as 'The Dominium' will become most useful; the bans enforced shall stop the grieving of maps, thus the maintenance of this monopoly is thus a top priority for 'The Dominium'. 'The Dominium' and its members will, at all costs, maintain this monopoly in order to discipline the community; propelling it. 'The Dominium' will thus control the growth and expansion of maps in the genres in which 'The Dominium' has a monopoly; to prevent excess. The universal banlist entity, shall from henceforth be known formally as the 'Central Banlist'. The Central Banlist, (abr. CB) shall be operated from a single source, and as a multitude of sources, using partial banlist merging; some maps have merged onto the CB automatically and directly, while others utilise CB manually or partially. Section C Cartography can further be used to create training maps and scenarios; train new players - so that they shall experience an improved gameplay; thus propelling the community forward. Section D Coalition-Alliances shall be created between 'The Dominium' member states to excel in training, cartography, and skill, due to co-operation and exchange of ideas, maps and training. Section E 'The Dominium' shall purchase life-time membership of the 'Atwar-Game' whence the member has become a loyal subject, and has proven the usefulness to achieve 'The Dominium' and its member's interests. This shall excel the member who receives life-time membership, and the game itself, as we fund the development and fulfil the profit motive of its creators. Article IV - Membership Section A Membership of Friends of The Dominium shall be open to anyone who is interested in helping the group achieve its aim and willing to abide by the rules of the group. Section B The Executive Committee's Internal Affair Division monitored by the Central Administration Cabinet shall have the power to refuse membership to an applicant, where it is considered such membership would be detrimental to the aims, purposes or activities of the group. Section C Any member of the association may resign his/her membership and any representative of a member organisation or section may resign such position, by giving to the Governor of the association written notice to that effect. The Internal Affairs Division may, by resolution passed at a meeting thereof, terminate or suspend the membership of any member, if in its opinion his/her conduct is prejudicial to the interests and objects of the association, provided that the individual member or representative of the member organisation (as the case may be) shall have the right to be heard by the Executive Committee before the final decision is made. There shall be a right of appeal to an independent arbitrator appointed by mutual agreement - in such case - the Governor. Article V - Powers Section A Friends and members of 'The Dominium' shall be administrated by an Executive Committee of not less than three (3) people and not more than fifteen (15) members elected by the incumbent Chancellor himself. Section B The officers of the Executive Committee shall be: i. The Chancellor ii. The Governor iii. The Exchequer And, such other officers the group shall deem necessary at the meeting. Section C The members of the Executive Committee can meet at any time, on any day, at any venue that is deemed necessary by the Chancellor. Section D Power to set up sub-groups, agencies and ministries and working parties as deemed necessary who shall be accountable to the Executive Committee; of which the Chancellor is a constant. Section E The Internal Affairs Division, is monitored by the Central Administration Bureau, Where officers of the Central Administration Bureau shall be: The Chancellor and the Governor - whom together from hereon in can be referred to as the 'Duumvirate'. The Internal Affairs Division is granted the authority of the Chancellor himself, to execute 'Imperative Orders' given directly from the Internal Affairs Division. Section F Imperative Orders, hereon in can be referred to as IOs, are orders which can be given with no restriction of power. Section G The Duumvirate is not equal in the distribution of powers, the office of Chancellorship has no input into the directives, initiatives, and orders instructed by the office of Governorship. Section H Thus the Internal Affairs Division, reserves the right to restrict, withhold and censor any data or information which could handicap the effectiveness to obtain any of the Objects or Aims. Section I The officers of the Royal Academy of Adog include: i. The Chief Professor ii. The Chief Adviser iii. The Secretarial Advisor And, such other officers the group shall deem necessary at the meeting. Section J There shall be a separation of powers, between Academia and State, and the Chancellor and the Governor (Duumvirate) have no say in academic matters or the running of any of the academies or any other form of academic organisations, groups or agencies affiliated with 'The Dominium'. Section K The Power to control finances is monitored by 'The Exchequer' himself and no one but 'The Exchequer'. Section L The Power to appoint any official or officer relies solely on the Chancellor, and to him only gets this responsibility. Section M The Power to enforce bans, or repeal bans is handed to the Duumvirate and only the Governor can propose bans, the Chancellor has only a Pocket-Veto power. Section N The Executive Committee retains the right of the members of the committee, to have a Liberum Veto on 'The Dominium' membership. Article VI - Finance Section A Any money obtained by the group shall be used only for the group. Section B Any bank accounts opened for the group shall be in the name of the group. Any cheque issued shall be signed by at least two of any three nominated signatures. Section C The Executive Committee will ensure that the group stays within the budget, though the ultimate decision is that of the Exchequer. Section D 'The Dominium' has a £400 (British Pound Sterling) allowance from its sponsors, and funds. Article VII - Meetings Section A Executive Committee Meetings i. The committee shall meet at any time - each year. ii. The quorum for a meeting shall be three (3). iii. The committee shall be accountable to the members at all times. iv. All meetings can be minuted and available to any interested party. v. All committee members shall be given at least seven (7) days' notice of a meeting unless it is deemed an emergency meeting. Section B General Public Meetings i. The committee shall call at least two general public meetings each year, the purpose of these meetings is for the group to account for its actions and consider the regeneration and development of according to the group's objectives. ii. The Chair of the group shall normally chair these meetings - where the responsibility is given to the office of Chancellor as a constant. iii. At least fourteen (14) days' notice of such a meeting must be given and advertised in at least five (5) public forums. iv. All meetings, including AGMs, must be minuted and available to any interested party. v. The quorum for a General Meeting is six (6). Section C Annual General Meeting I. The Friends and members of 'The Dominium' shall hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) at no more than 15 month intervals. II. Where possible members shall be notified personally, otherwise notice will be deemed served by advertising the meetings in at least five public forums giving at least 14 days' notice of the AGM. III. The business of the AGM shall include: a. Receiving a report from the Chancellor of the group's activities over the year. b. Receiving a report and presentation of the last financial year's accounts from the Exchequer on the finances of the group. c. Electing a new Executive Committee and considering any other matter as may be appropriate at such a meeting - if proposed by the Chancellor. IV. The quorum for Annual General Meeting shall be at least fifteen (15) persons of which no more than ten (10) shall be committee members. Article VIII - Alteration of the Constitution Section A Proposals for amendments to this constitution, or dissolution (see Clause: Article 9) must be delivered to the Chancellor in writing. The Chancellor in conjunction with all other officers shall then decide on the date of a forum meeting to discuss such proposals, giving at least three hours (3 hours) clear notice. Section B Any changes to this constitution must be agreed by at least two thirds of those members present and voting at any general meeting, and Approved by the Duumvirate. Article VIII - Dissolution Section A The group may be wound up at any time if agreed by two thirds of those members present in the Executive Committee and voting at any general meeting. Any assets shall be returned to their providers, if they require it, or shall be passed to another group with similar aims. Article X Adoption of the Constitution Section A This constitution was adopted by the members present at the AGM held on: 9th of May 2015 Signed: Cute Panda (Chancellor) Yagami (Governor)
---- https://twitter.com/CutePanda_AW <-- Follow
09.05.2015 - 13:40
---- Laochra¹: i pray to the great zizou, that my tb stops the airtrans of the yellow infidel
09.05.2015 - 15:54
10.05.2015 - 00:03
I'm a free map maker and lll make maps for whoever whenever about whatever I like, have fun with your silly monopolys. Edit: This is not the first time a dog and his goons have tried to create a facist subculture controlled by fear and bribery, and it won't be the last I assure you, let's them play there game Untill they get bored and give up and try again in a few months.
---- We are not the same- I am a Martian.
10.05.2015 - 00:31
It's autistic behavior being displayed.
---- TJM !!!
11.05.2015 - 21:07
Autistic people might consider that an insult. They're not this stupid. Just socially inept.
11.05.2015 - 21:55
I'm not sure I have ever posted on this forum before but I have to comment on how actually retarded this is. It has to be a joke, this dude uses words like monopoly, royal, executive. He separates his shit into articles with sections.... Some of the articles only have one fucking section lmao. Chancellor, Governor, Chair... does it feel good to call yourself royalty in a free online video game? This looks like it was written by an 11 year old trying to be edgy, there doesn't even need to be a counter campaign running against this because it is literally impossible for a person with any sense to take it seriously. I thought people who had played here for a long time were just joking when they got all high and mighty but there is no way someone can put this much time into a post and not either be 100% serious or having the giggle of a lifetime. I guess with any group of people there will always be the ones who try to grab the power, but this is not even well thought out... I mean the people behind this have obviously put a lot of time into this bullshit but the idea is autistic at its core, and the writing style is like a kid who read a book for english class and thinks good writers use big words, then took a test for history class and thinks legitimacy comes from calling your video game forum post a "Constitution," and power comes from using shitty titles like Secretarial Advisor and putting a png image for a seal. The fact that there are people who are staff working for this site who consider this to be anything more than sarcasm worries me. Go ahead and go to Article 7 Section A Part 5 and hold an emergency meeting because this will fail. Don't even bother replying to this cos I don't read the forum.
11.05.2015 - 22:44
---- We are not the same- I am a Martian.
12.05.2015 - 03:15
Stop spamming the forums with this irrelevant diatribe of bullshit.
12.05.2015 - 09:39
Wow that is a lot of stuff split up into irrelevant sub stuff. There is so much bull in that comment I couldnt even get past the second section.. Is this a troll thread, did someone just decide to type alot of useless crap and let people read it for there amusement. If someone actually gets into the middle could you let us know if there is actually anything written there and its not just random words put together.
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