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30.06.2014 - 13:47
World War II: East Asia


Allied Powers
Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic (Dark Purple)
Nationalist China (Blue)
British Raj (Light Purple)
Dutch East Indies (Dark Orange)
Australia (Cyan)

Empire of Japan
Japan (Brown)
Manchukuo (Yellow)
Pacific Japan (Dark Moss Green)
Siam (Mint Green)
French Indochina (Bright Orange)

Burma Campaign

The Burma campaign takes place in Burma and is necessary to fight in the game. It is vital that India holds off the Siamese and the French in Burma in order to stay alive. In order to capture the rest of India, Burma is necessary because it provides a gateway that is otherwise blocked off by the neutral nations of Tibet, Bhutan, and Nepal. The key city of Sittwe on the west coast of Burma serves as a port to reach Bengal easily, as Rangoon is stuck in a bay. India must make sure that both of those cities are well protected and should hold out until Siam gets exhausted and weak, being able to move in after. If India wishes to survive, it will have to import a lot of troops from the rest of India by boat.

Battle of Singapore

Siam's second job, besides invading India, is invading Singapore. Singapore is key because it is the only way from which you can get to Sumatra from another city in one turn. Likewise, Singapore is well defended. it will probably take a joint Siamese-French attack on Singapore in order to capture it, but once it is captured, invading the Dutch East Indies will be much easier. The role of the British Raj is to defend this city very well, and if necessary, get the Dutch East Indies to send backup.

Coal and Oil

The Dutch East Indies is a key player in the game for two reasons. First, it is in between Asia and Australia, and secondly, it has lots and lots of resources. The resources which the Dutch have (Circled in red) provide it with practically all of it's income, and it must defend it as such. If Siam, Indochina, or Pacific Japan capture it, then you are not only dooming yourself, but you are allowing the other team to get a large quantity of resources and funding.

Shipping Lane

While Australia does have money, it also has to spend a lot of money on ships, considering it should be played as NC. This puts Australia at a financial disadvantage. For this reason, Australia has one shipping lane which, if shipped successfully, will provide Australia with an added 800 income. There is a catch though: Australia has minimal defense for the shipping lane. Australia has three chances to get the cargo past the Pacific Japanese forces, and then their chances are over, unless it is willing to spend money to get 400 attack worth of troops to attack the cargo's destination.

Special Units
Siamese Tanks -- +1 Attack | +2 Defence | -20 Cost
Chinese Infantry -- -10 Cost

To be updated in the future

Special thanks to:

30.06.2014 - 14:03
Korisnički račun je izbrisan
30.06.2014 - 14:06

30.06.2014 - 16:07
30.06.2014 - 16:57
Laochra¹: i pray to the great zizou, that my tb stops the airtrans of the yellow infidel
30.06.2014 - 17:23
Probably the best map out there so far...
30.06.2014 - 23:49
Intriguing...very cool.
Embrace the void
23.07.2014 - 23:29
I only worry that Japan and allies are too weak, unless you give a large amount of events the allies will win in numbers
24.07.2014 - 18:50
Ummmm, mind explaining why Nepal isn't in this scenario?
29.07.2014 - 12:09
Napisao Milton Friedman, 24.07.2014 at 18:50

Ummmm, mind explaining why Nepal isn't in this scenario?

This Autist >.>
29.07.2014 - 12:16
Napisao EvakFromSkam, 29.07.2014 at 12:09

Napisao Milton Friedman, 24.07.2014 at 18:50

Ummmm, mind explaining why Nepal isn't in this scenario?

This Autist >.>

Hi Adog!
29.08.2014 - 04:55
 Mobster (Moderator)
Nice, i liked.
01.09.2014 - 08:24
It has come a long way since last time i played it (or was tht a different map o.0). great job ^_^
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.

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