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Napisano od Meester, 31.12.2015 - 23:11
Player of The Year 2015

Hello gentlemen.

As you may already know the Player of The Month(PoTM) system has been abandoned evident from the lack of any player who won the award last year.

Reasoning behind this is pretty clear from Desu's post

Napisao Desu, 06.12.2015 at 16:42

I'm in the other camp, I don't see the point of awards bound by time to a season or month. Trying to point one person out in a time frame is flawed if your idea is to try to base the thing upon merit. Several people could do awesome things at the same time, while absolutely nothing could be done for the rest of the year. I understand that it's being used let people know they're valued, and to try to bring activity back. It works if that's the current aim.

Maybe devise a system around one large topic where notable events or actions by people are posted. A sort of public nomination system, so we get more options and candidates. Supporters vote or pick the best in supporter forums, then mods present the candidates in either the same format--PotS, or we just list all the nominees at the end of the year for PotY.

Much like the old Player of The Year system, the winner is determined through community vote with the alternate vote system. The only difference is now there will be a wider range of nominee's to choose from. No longer will you be restricted to 12 players.

As of right now the moderator team has picked 9 nominees after careful examination of the community. We now open this opportunity to the rest of you. Submit your nominee's below(or PM me) with proper reasoning.
03.01.2016 - 10:46
Its hard to pick between clovis and tact but I vote tactician. He has worked hard on this community and made alot of tournaments including the world game sl tourney. Unlike many others nit only he helps people in forums and always brings up new stuff like atwar magazine and tournaments, but he is also active and helps many new players and low ranks improve.

And the thing that makes tact different from other candidates is that tact does all this hard work without asking for something in return or without expecting to get a medal or a reward or even becoming mod unlike the rest of those 3.

Personally i think tact deserves this for sure. 200% sure that should be given to tact

Edit : oh and you can NEVER compare the personality and attitude of tactician with any other one. This is the type of guy who deserves player of the year

03.01.2016 - 12:06
I don't understand one thing here:

Why are people picking POT2015 (and any other POTY) by comparing bad and negative sides of each nominated player (for example: being in some flamewars from off topic, like who the hell cares) instead of comparing good and useful things they did for them and the rest of community?

I am first one who is not even close to be perfect, I have mine bad sides same as good sides, like every of you, so please try not to turn this into who will shit more on which nominated player, but be adult enough and pick your best choice without touching negative side.
Ffs, we are picking who is player of the year, not who is worst of nominated players.

Be normal and pick normaly with normal explanations

03.01.2016 - 14:58
Napisao Goblin, 03.01.2016 at 10:17

Napisao Phoenix, 03.01.2016 at 07:29

you could atleast show him some respect for what he's done.

when someone starts acting to you like Clovis have towards me last year, dispite you always acting in good intentions towards him... then i will ask you about this sentence

Why don't we discuss the disrespect you showed devil? After he trained you how to play you leave his clan and totally ignore him. Karma

Edit: I've only ever seen Clovis praise you, saying you're underrated and how you beat top hats In his prime. You don't make any sense
03.01.2016 - 16:01
Croat and clovis seem like solid choices although i was hardly active to have a complete opinion. Tact did good too. Although his association with criminal elements like the one in the photo under, can prove harmfull to his case (RICO act is well and alive)

03.01.2016 - 16:08
I think the choice here is obvious.
Laochra¹: i pray to the great zizou, that my tb stops the airtrans of the yellow infidel
03.01.2016 - 16:43
Napisao Phoenix, 03.01.2016 at 14:58

Why don't we discuss the disrespect you showed devil? After he trained you how to play you leave his clan and totally ignore him. Karma

Edit: I've only ever seen Clovis praise you, saying you're underrated and how you beat top hats In his prime. You don't make any sense

I left UWS when deviL posted in clan forum that he is leaving AW because of college... and i always say hi when i see him

Clovis... i was the first to congratulate on the trophy he got for making guides.
To paraphrase my message to him... "hey man i was just writting a message to Ivan to consider you for a trophy for your guides and then i notice you GOT ONE!!! "
03.01.2016 - 16:48
Napisao Goblin, 03.01.2016 at 16:43

Napisao Phoenix, 03.01.2016 at 14:58

Why don't we discuss the disrespect you showed devil? After he trained you how to play you leave his clan and totally ignore him. Karma

Edit: I've only ever seen Clovis praise you, saying you're underrated and how you beat top hats In his prime. You don't make any sense

I left UWS when deviL posted in clan forum that he is leaving AW because of college... and i always say hi when i see him

Clovis... i was the first to congratulate on the trophy he got for making guides.
To paraphrase my message to him... "hey man i was just writting a message to Ivan to consider you for a trophy for your guides and then i notice you GOT ONE!!! "

So why the hate post? Was it really bad sarcasm?
03.01.2016 - 16:49
Napisao clovis1122, 03.01.2016 at 11:31

Good job clovis, keep up the awesome job dude!"

Good job Clovis have several trophies for your hard work, something some other players cant say for theirs
03.01.2016 - 17:53
Napisao Phoenix, 03.01.2016 at 14:58

Napisao Goblin, 03.01.2016 at 10:17

Napisao Phoenix, 03.01.2016 at 07:29

you could atleast show him some respect for what he's done.

when someone starts acting to you like Clovis have towards me last year, dispite you always acting in good intentions towards him... then i will ask you about this sentence

Why don't we discuss the disrespect you showed devil? After he trained you how to play you leave his clan and totally ignore him. Karma

Edit: I've only ever seen Clovis praise you, saying you're underrated and how you beat top hats In his prime. You don't make any sense

nobody can deny that clovis has done loads for the community, hes great, but at the same time he trolls, makes a general nuisance of himself and also can be a cocky annoyance. He's definitely no angel. It's why he gets a lot of hate.

However, clovis has done a lot this year, but for the sake of sharing recognition, i hope to see croat get the trophy this year.

ps khal wtf lol
03.01.2016 - 18:45
This thread is for people to nominate others as POTY. Not to rant about nonsense. Mods should do us the favor of cleaning this forum if POTY is to be taken seriously. Because right now all I see if people complaining about who's better than who.
03.01.2016 - 19:06
Napisao Permamuted, 03.01.2016 at 17:53

i hope to see croat get the trophy this year.

Croat confirmed PotY
Laochra¹: i pray to the great zizou, that my tb stops the airtrans of the yellow infidel
03.01.2016 - 19:11
Napisao PleaseMe, 03.01.2016 at 18:45

This thread is for people to nominate others as POTY. Not to rant about nonsense.

Sorry. I've deleted my comments that weren't suggesting a candidate.

Must say the opinions here are pretty explosive, I wonder why people can't limit themselves to post their pick and reasons rather than downgrade the other participants.
04.01.2016 - 10:44
Napisao clovis1122, 31.12.2015 at 23:27


He had hosted several tourneys and made very useful threads. Although sometimes he rages and trolls and get troubles with mods I still think he is one of the best contributors to the game...

ppl of the year should earn his own elo
Humans are only a suicidal sub species of Chimps running a muck on this planet.
04.01.2016 - 10:47
I blame clovis...oops i mean pick
Humans are only a suicidal sub species of Chimps running a muck on this planet.
05.01.2016 - 18:58
As a semi new player I have debated whether or not to post an opinion here, but I decided a new players perspective is something that may be lacking amongst the Mod team, as well as the community as a whole. So I will give my personal experience here, please take it for what it is worth.

While there are many awesome players and people in this game (far to many to list), really two stand out to me as having the biggest impact in terms of helping new players in the community. They are have both been mentioned in other posts and are Google Chrome and Clovis.

Google Chrome: He has written many helpful guides (Ancient guide comes to mind) compiled a list of forums topics to make them accessible in the index, and most importantly Founded the Adopt a Noob Center. As well as always treating other's with respect and providing strong contributions all throughout the forums. It is quite daunting joining this game, with its already well established community and steep learning curb, between the forum index, and being an adopted noob, Google's contribution probably helped me personally more than anything else get started in this game.

Clovis: From what I can tell, the single most active member in forums. Has written more guides than anyone else, and despite being one of the strongest players in the game has never held back from helping out new players, or giving a quick tip. (it is my experience from many online strategy games that top players are not often the ones who take their time helping new players) Speaking of which, Clovis has taken point in leading the supporters in this game, hosted many "boot camps" and from what I can tell, currently the most active member of the community who is helping new players. This combined with being one of the strongest players in game makes him a strong candidate for player of the year in my opinion.

Now I will mention one more player as it seems to be relevant to this discussion. Croat.

Croat, you had great post in this very thread about how this should focus around talking about positive aspects of different people. And I agree with you to a point, I think this thread should focus on positive aspects but if there are legitimate concerns about a player I think they should be shared. Now what follows will be a negative view of you, but I say this because I think you are a reasonable person and I respect you enough without even knowing you to think you will take this the right way and understand it is not said with ill intent towards you. Now some time ago you (Croat) made a duel league thread which sounded really cool, you even posted a "spoiler" thread a day early which I "liked". Now imagine my surprise when I was specifically used as an example in your thread as the kind of player who could not participate in your league. Because I was to much of a "noob and would not even check forums" as well as the fact I had simply been playing duels with high ranks which seemed to bother you....Again, as a new player it is very hard to get integrated into this community and I think that kind of attitude against new players is very damaging to this game and its growth. Imagine my further surprise when I wrote out a carefully worded response to you explaining why I was hurt that I was precluded simply because I was "noob" and how that attitude hurt the community. Especially because I had seen your other posts and thought highly of you. Following this you deleted the entire thread without a response to me, ignored my pms, and called me "noob" again in group chat of 3v3 game we were in. Incredibly disappointing disposition towards new players from someone who I thought was a helpful well respected member of the community. As I said in my post that you deleted. I love this game and truly want to see it grow, I hope veteran players such as yourself can have an attitude change towards new players and you can help lead the charge along with players like Google Chrome and Clovis in helping this game grow.
05.01.2016 - 19:30
Napisao Prometheus, 05.01.2016 at 18:58

I answered you in the most clear way that after you had done your first duel, you didn't even check a League thread yet (I know that since I was checking who checked a thread every minute), so I thought you don't know or don't care about the League. It was the only reason why I used you as an example of people who I wouldn't go to check every day, cuz it is more job for me to do in already hard event.
Never meant to mark you as noob, neither I think that, it's simply: we misunderstood each other.

You took it too serious and too personal.
I just used you as an example because it seemed like that, it was not against you, I am repeating, I used you just for an example by my mistake.

Also, if you are basing your opinion for the player of the year on one mistake made by me, I don't need to say a word about how irrelevant this is.
Stop forcing that mistake towards me because I am not fucking robot, I made a mistake, I explained you why I made a mistake, your problem is if you can't or won't understand that explanation.

I won't go in any further discussion about that here, because if you want to talk about that you have inbox, send me a pr, I will respond you so we make all fully clear. And lastly, can you finally understand (now I am saying this to everyone who posts a commentd like you, so you don't misunderstood me again) this is not a place to talk negatively about certain nominee, neither to have endless discussion about some boring stupid little mistake which hurts you.

I am sorry once again for that, if you want to hear this publically, here it is: YOU ARE NOT NOOB, now please spare me of that.

peace with you

05.01.2016 - 19:40
Thank you for your response. I am a little confused what you mean by using me as example because I didn't check thread, when I commented on same day you made it. But it matters not.

This is why I brought it up, because like I said I thought you were a reasonable person and seem to be a huge help to the community. And the tone of that did come across as harsher than I wanted it to, for that I apologize. Mostly I just wanted you to be aware how you came across from the perspective of a new player. And i'm sorry I posted here, but I had pmed you and received no response.

In terms of player of the year, again I don't want this to be seen as a large negative comment, merely explaining a situation I had as I felt it was in stark contrast to other guys on here. But it seems to be failure of communication which easily happens on forums like this.
05.01.2016 - 20:33
Napisao Prometheus, 05.01.2016 at 19:40

Thank you for your response. I am a little confused what you mean by using me as example because I didn't check thread, when I commented on same day you made it. But it matters not.

I will try to be more detailed by chronology, because all happened same day, but in different time:
- I made a Duel League thread
- You played your duel (as rank 7)
- Your opponent reported a duel
- When he reported, you still didn't even check Duel League thread, it happened later, about 1 hour later, so I thought you are just one average rank 7 who is not checking forums and who surely won't hear and care about Duel League.

It was the only reason I used you as an example of lower ranks who I wouldnt be checking. I didn't think you will came in thread later.
I was wrong, I admitted several times that it was mine mistake and I apologised.
Same thing I tried to explain you in inbox and I have to say I never called you a noob, it is not true. But, it's not matter now, I hope we solved all the issues, let's move on both smarter than before. You don't take things so personally and I will check certain things twice to be sure I won't make a mistake and that's it.


06.01.2016 - 05:29
Since nobody mentioned him, I will give my suggestion pick to - Darkmace

Darkmace is an active part of supporters who really tries to contribute alot. His 'boom' was in the middle of 2015. when he made various useful threads and perspective suggestions which really impressed me. He found many bugs (especially in HTML) and helped newb part of community, I was a witness of that, so I simply give my pick to him, he is our bright future.

07.01.2016 - 15:58
Napisao Prometheus, 05.01.2016 at 19:40

Thank you for your response. I am a little confused what you mean by using me as example because I didn't check thread, when I commented on same day you made it. But it matters not.

This is why I brought it up, because like I said I thought you were a reasonable person and seem to be a huge help to the community. And the tone of that did come across as harsher than I wanted it to, for that I apologize. Mostly I just wanted you to be aware how you came across from the perspective of a new player. And i'm sorry I posted here, but I had pmed you and received no response.

In terms of player of the year, again I don't want this to be seen as a large negative comment, merely explaining a situation I had as I felt it was in stark contrast to other guys on here. But it seems to be failure of communication which easily happens on forums like this.

Im pretty sure you know that the reply he gave you here is BS right?

Napisao Croat, 05.01.2016 at 20:33

I will try to be more detailed by chronology, because all happened same day, but in different time:
- I made a Duel League thread
- You played your duel (as rank 7)
- Your opponent reported a duel
- When he reported, you still didn't even check Duel League thread, it happened later, about 1 hour later, so I thought you are just one average rank 7 who is not checking forums and who surely won't hear and care about Duel League.

It was the only reason I used you as an example of lower ranks who I wouldnt be checking. I didn't think you will came in thread later.
I was wrong, I admitted several times that it was mine mistake and I apologised.
Same thing I tried to explain you in inbox and I have to say I never called you a noob, it is not true. But, it's not matter now, I hope we solved all the issues, let's move on both smarter than before. You don't take things so personally and I will check certain things twice to be sure I won't make a mistake and that's it.


07.01.2016 - 17:57
Napisao AlBoZzZ, 07.01.2016 at 15:58

For your information,
I already solved all the issues with Prometheus for whom I have to say that he is very very kind and understandible guy
Also, I never recieved a PM in inbox (Prometheus can confirm):

Whatsmore, there is a high chance I was AFK when Prometheus sent me a PM in a Game chat since I was still rarely online at that time, but when I came on, it was just to advertise on Global channel (in this case about Duel League)

To make all the things transparent, I will show up our chat where we solved all OUR issues (yes, our, not yours) and which was held in a very friendly atmosphere:

Last thing I will reffer directly to you, Commando Eagle, because you have one big problem. And I will be 101% serious, maybe like never before.
I know you will do anything so I don't win a POT2015, I don't really care, but it is obvious to everyone here.
You wish more bad and evil things happen to others than you wish good things happen to you. It is making you satisfied.
My conclusion is (and was whole this time) that you are a miserable person who hates itself till noon and the rest of world after noon.

In psyhology it is called emotionally unstable personality disorder which manifests itself in bad mood to others. Its main characteristics are antisocial behavior and unacceptance in society that creates aversion. You are insufficient even to yourself.
I am now trying to help you, not to attack you; you really need help and I was that good to found you cause and effect of your illnes. It is on you to find a treatment.

Try to change yourself or you will fall into a rut from which you won't be able to get out so easily. Trust me, you have all indications that are pointing you have a big problem with yourself

07.01.2016 - 18:04
Napisao Croat, 07.01.2016 at 17:57

Last thing I will reffer directly to you, Commando Eagle, because you have one big problem. And I will be 101% serious, maybe like never before.
I know you will do anything so I don't win a POT2015, I don't really care, but it is obvious to everyone here.
You wish more bad and evil things happen to others than you wish good things happen to you. It is making you satisfied.
My conclusion is (and was whole this time) that you are a miserable person who hates itself till noon and the rest of world after noon.

In psyhology it is called emotionally unstable personality disorder which manifests itself in bad mood to others. Its main characteristics are antisocial behavior and unacceptance in society that creates aversion. You are insufficient even to yourself.
I am now trying to help you, not to attack you; you really need help and I was that good to found you cause and effect of your illnes. It is on you to find a treatment.

Try to change yourself or you will fall into a rut from which you won't be able to get out so easily.

Dude i cant care less about your opinion about me or if you win poty. I made that because i think youre a liar hypocrite angry kid whos trying to do his best to make community think positive on him so you can get mod.
This is your true face

You dont even know me, you only know me as a guy who shit talks to you on forums thats it lol , youre super pathetic. And to say i will do whatever i can for you not to get poty? dude are you serious? get your medicine cuz youre having brain crisis, do you think i will waste my time doing "whatever i can so you wont get poty?" ffs lol

07.01.2016 - 18:10
Can we agree to not fight here and leave this only for suggesting candidates?

It is starting to get annoying...
07.01.2016 - 18:12
Napisao AlBoZzZ, 07.01.2016 at 18:04

So, you are seriously opening here again an already solved discussion about a poll in Off-topic which was before 6 months as your contra-argument?
Sapienti sat.

I feel like I am dumbing down in every discussion with you. Here I stop, see you in hell

07.01.2016 - 18:33
I should stat licking too and getting attention to be voted
07.01.2016 - 19:04
Korisnički račun je izbrisan
Napisao Cold Case, 07.01.2016 at 18:33

I should stat licking too and getting attention to be voted

07.01.2016 - 22:19
Thanks for your suggestions. Polls should be up soon.
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