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27.02.2014 - 21:34
I think this might do some good for the Map makers of AtWar. Here's my Ideas

First wouldn't it be pretty cool if you could perhaps, combine the map editor and the scenario editor. Making a system where you could apply Scenario settings in separate tab bars, specifically setting a scenario name for it which could be applied directly in the Custom Map games. I feel this would allow more time saving and perhaps more efficiency in editing.

Second, I would think it would be nice if you could give specific event information for specific players. The system right now sends out a message to all players but wouldn't it be nice if it sent customized ones to individual players? This would allow for some additions on to role-playing based games, just a thought.

Third, perhaps a game setting of a regicide type of game. Where the whole game revolves around keeping your leader, hero or VIP alive (not your General). This would be pretty cool, so I think. This would allow it so that you have games of role-playing where you can rely on game rules rather than trusting the dubious players of AtWar to leave and follow rules.

These are just some topic I thought would be nice to see in AtWar. What do yall think?
28.02.2014 - 14:57

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