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20.04.2014 - 11:30
I noticed this is a commen thing, alot of people in 3v3 wf their cities but because the wall unit pushes them into their city they get walled?
This game is getting every day more buggs/glitches/what ever they called. When are you guys gonna fix this game? and make it playable? .. Its freaking annoying to get walled when you use a (WALLED UNIT) as wf, but still gets pushed into the city.. I had this in cw and it made me get capped because some guys cant fix some bugs?.. do something about this fking bullshit buggy aw

Napisao Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
20.04.2014 - 11:38
Stop cry.

TJM !!!
20.04.2014 - 11:38
Korisnički račun je izbrisan
Wow stop making these titles.
Support anyways but calm down. Want syrup?
20.04.2014 - 11:38
Yeah this is an annoying one.. Also it seems that when you send a unit to break a wall it just goes right past it and doesn't break it.
It's not the end.

20.04.2014 - 11:40
Napisao Mr_Own_U, 20.04.2014 at 11:38

Yeah this is an annoying one.. Also it seems that when you send a unit to break a wall it just goes right past it and doesn't break it.

Yes, some admins should learn2run a game instead of fapping 24/7 or doing nothing -.-?

Napisao Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
20.04.2014 - 11:45
Bitch calm are pretty and we love you
that being said, i been there i lost a cw just like you,playing Germany aswell.i got walled in hamburg u got walled in frankfurt, my new wallfuck pushed in as well.It happens..This is an annoying bug just like the one where the wallbreaking unit doesnt break the wall.
20.04.2014 - 11:51
Yes, but people spamming in the chat with their gayyass screen saying'OMG HE IS LYING OMFG THE UNITS WERE IN BERLIN BLABLABLABLA'' makes it way better? -.- fucktards

Napisao Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
20.04.2014 - 11:56
Napisao Waffel, 20.04.2014 at 11:51

Yes, but people spamming in the chat with their gayyass screen saying'OMG HE IS LYING OMFG THE UNITS WERE IN BERLIN BLABLABLABLA'' makes it way better? -.- fucktards

what are you talking about?why your walled units took part in berlin battle?Most probably you attacked the wall and he attacked berlina with the wall, and your units followed them there and defended.
20.04.2014 - 11:58
No my walled units didnt deffend -.- my units from hamburg and berlin all went to frankfurt?, while i sent them all to berlin -.- First bugg 1. Wf units gets into Munich. Bugg 2. My units didnt deffend berlin but all transproted to frankfurt -.-?

Napisao Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
20.04.2014 - 12:03
Lolled @ waffel raging.

But yeah is an annoying bug, happens to everybody from time to time, you can always put your wf some further away form your city, so it won't get pushed all the way in. Or for some countries you can put it in less obvious places, since you sometimes know how the enemy will wall your city...

Also learn to put game chat off during cw's. Everybody just spamming around and saying bullshit, way easier to concentrate if you put it off
----we are not the same - I am a Martian ----
20.04.2014 - 12:03
Napisao Waffel, 20.04.2014 at 11:58

No my walled units didnt deffend -.- my units from hamburg and berlin all went to frankfurt?, while i sent them all to berlin -.- First bugg 1. Wf units gets into Munich. Bugg 2. My units didnt deffend berlin but all transproted to frankfurt -.-?

i dont know what the hell then lol.maybe admins are punishing you for your latest posts
20.04.2014 - 12:06
Napisao vrome zak, 20.04.2014 at 12:03

Lolled @ waffel raging.

But yeah is an annoying bug, happens to everybody from time to time, you can always put your wf some further away form your city, so it won't get pushed all the way in. Or for some countries you can put it in less obvious places, since you sometimes know how the enemy will wall your city...

Also learn to put game chat off during cw's. Everybody just spamming around and saying bullshit, way easier to concentrate if you put it off

Good to know you ''lolled'''about it, but i remember when this happend to stryko you were crying the fk in the chats, and my wf unit was enough from my city to get pushed in it -.- and the wall unit off kara wasn't in the same spot as my wf units was like couple milimeters from it, still its bullshit this ''accepted''?

Napisao Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
20.04.2014 - 12:12
Ik bedoelde eventjes dat het maar een spelletje is hoor, geen nood om zo 'kwaad' te worden omdat je (op een weleenswaar irritante manier) een cw verloor...

Yeah and that I don't really remember, but could be. Probs some time ago and I wasn't familiar with all the atwar glitches till recently (I still don't even know how to wg xD)

Well, if it is as you say a serious bug it should not be accepted. But better to atleast send a friendly pr to the mods or a pm to Ivan/Amok about the seriousness of these glitches then to rage on forum. I've been there and it makes you not get taken more seriously
----we are not the same - I am a Martian ----
20.04.2014 - 12:50
Well like the mods even listen to us*? only thing they respond on must be about premium or joining squirrels or what ever.

Napisao Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
20.04.2014 - 13:26
Well I guess if somebody has the time/writingskills to write a serious letter to Amok/Ivan they atleast have to read. But yeah it's not really the mods task to fix it. They have to report
----we are not the same - I am a Martian ----

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