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Objave: 2   Posjećeno od: 56 users
06.05.2011 - 21:09
Many people complain that a match can be over before it begins, saying that initial placement will decide the victor. Well, I am to take that out of the equation with my line of Tournament maps. They are designed to be completely equal within every facet, and allow for competitive play to be truly "competitive."

My first map is Tournament 1v1 Map: Europe, which has been completed and play-tested twice so far with minimal changes. I ask that anyone who plays this map does so using no strategy, so it can truly be a level playing field. Blue team has a slight (within give or take 10 units) troop advantage, but Red has a proximity advantage. The red occupation of Germany is countered with the placement of the blue general in Poland. France is countered by Ukraine, and so on. All countries economies have been re-worked to give equal amounts for both sides.

I will begin working on Tournament 2v2 Map: Asia and it's Sister map Tournament 1v1 Map: Asia soon.

I ask anyone who play tests or utilizes my maps to contact me if they have any questions, comments, or suggestions. I'm open to any thoughts on the subject, and appreciate feedback.

PS: Yes, I will be running a tournament with these maps in the future.

PPS: No, I won't allow the scenarios to be copied, as tampering with Tournament maps could result in confusion of legitimacy of map.
07.05.2011 - 00:10
Your doing great work man, keep it up.

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