15.09.2019 - 03:44
It is time to talk about allowed and forbidden nicknames, every normal game have policy about it except this game, every game has banned nazi, fascist and other kind of terrorism names... This game banned swastika symbol but not nazi name, DAFUQ?!?! Since nobody care about that, we are allowed to share thing like this here and have fun with it: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-48196487 https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/may/07/denver-shooting-stem-school-suspects-injuries https://edition.cnn.com/2019/05/08/us/school-shootings-us-2019-trnd/index.html And so on.... But most important : 11/9 with 3k dead... Even if it is targeted by USA not by Al kaida, its still 3k dead... And imagine that we have names, pictures of these terrorist... .Once again, Swastika is banned, but name as Hitler is allowed.... THINK ABOUT DAVE!
15.09.2019 - 03:55
This is kind of confusing so i will unwrap it a little bit. Tchetnik came to me because he was offended by a user who had a pro-kosovo liberation army name and asked me to change it. Seeing as he was just using a name and not harassing people, I didn't feel that he HAD to change it. I asked the user to change it anyways but he declined. The user was not trying to offend anyone. If we had to make someone change their name every time someone felt offended, we would all have emoji's for names.
15.09.2019 - 04:10
Just make it clear, "Nazi" and "Swastika" have same symbol, but swastika is banned for avatar and "Nazi" is not banned for name, Ban names, or unban swastika, this is weird...
15.09.2019 - 05:41
Some time long ago, it was decided swastikas should not be in peoples avatars. However the "new" policy is that all political symbols should be allowed as long as they aren't used to harass others and that it's more of a case by case basis now on when we should be moderating them. You can name yourself or use profile pictures of political symbols that you want. Just use common sense and don't harass people.
16.09.2019 - 11:08
USSR offends me remove any name that looks slavic thanks in advance! *Sarcasm*
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
16.09.2019 - 18:26
Don't remove names/symbols.... remove people(divvy their benefits(sp etc)amongst the rest of us).
16.09.2019 - 19:06
Just to add to Sid's (excellent) explanation, there is an extensive history as to how AW arrived at this, and it does make sense. Use of swastika was removed as a few players ( a very small minority) were using it to be offensive and inflammatory. It is difficult then to categorize players into those who are using swastika strictly as an AW symbol, and those who are using it to be offensive/inflammatory, so the only solution was to ban it completely. However, use of the term 'nazi' is a word in the language, and it it isn't banned. If it is used in an offensive/inflammatory way, then the mod team can respond. I get that it seems a little weird on the surface, but it is consistent.
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16.09.2019 - 20:47
It's a matter of inconvenience really, if the person utilizing the name is doing just that, utilizing the name and not attempting to use it any hateful context then there's no reason to force them to change it. If they're not going out of their way to use their name as a medium to try to inconvenience someone(e.g.: if I named myself fuck EJR or EJR's a bitch or even trying to steal someone's name just to spite them) then you should let them be.
17.09.2019 - 04:38
So. we are allowed to use everything until we start to insult players with that, right?
17.09.2019 - 05:37
Not everything... just those things that are consistent with AW rules. Keep in mind, a lot of students and working adults play this game, so keep it appropriate for work and school.
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17.09.2019 - 07:18
Does atWar have any policy/censorship against nicknames?
Unlimited tolerance lead to the disappearance of tolerance.
17.09.2019 - 09:21
...and calls himself Tchetnik. ![]() Who is the "offender"? If there is any.
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17.09.2019 - 09:23
17.09.2019 - 11:00
CD is reffering on your nickname, Tchetnik, which may be very offensive to the players from various nations, especially to Croatians or Bosniaks. To be honest, I don't care about your nickname, I don't find it offensive because this is internet, but let me just ask you, without any negative conotations, how would you feel or would you have any kind of a report if I have given myself a nickname - Ustasha? That's what CD is talking about. Both Chetniks and Ustashas are being absolutely extreme nationalists from Serbia/Croatia and you can't be a hypocrite - telling others not to wear 'extremist' nicknames, while you're having the one. It just depends from which point of view you're watching on which nickname. PS. I repeat, I've nothing against you, neither I care about your nickname, but don't be biased and hypocrite.
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17.09.2019 - 11:11
No offense kid but i think you are inexperienced to judge about names and political correctness. TFW his name is Tchetnik... im pretty sure many balkaneers would get offended at your name... ![]()
---- ''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies'' ~Napoleon ![]()
17.09.2019 - 14:15
Just Tchetniks was fighting against Nazi Hitler, and Croats Ushashes, so only one ofended can be nazis and fascist... Its same like man who rape women is ofended when he sees her... soo... Plz....
17.09.2019 - 17:23
I'm seriously offended by Sid's name. It reminds me of a cis-white-male name, and I am kind of offended because current day poverty is an outgrowth of historic discrimination. Please rename. Thank you
---- Happiness = reality - expectations
17.09.2019 - 20:35
This is a very reductionist (and, thus, limited) interpretation of the Tchetnik movement. Unfortunately the story is a bit more complicated and can't be romanticised... it's not a Bella-Ciao-story.
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18.09.2019 - 03:37
18.09.2019 - 03:46
Jeste li sigurni?