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12.06.2014 - 16:00
Welcome to the star wars galaxy.

Once a Jedi Master, Count Dooku (now Darth Tyranus), has betrayed the Jedi Order and the Republic. He has created the Confederacy of Independent Systems, or as they are commonly known, the Separatists. This rebellion consists of some of the most powerful intergalactic institutions in the galaxy. They have created a droid army, the likes of which the galaxy has never seen. They have declared open war on the Republic and its supporting star systems.

The Republic, with an arsenal of "mysterious luck", have acquired a clone army, also the likes of which the galaxy has never seen before. This Grand Army of the Republic is under the complete control of the Supreme Chancellor, and has given the role of commander to the Jedi Knights. With wisdom and cunning the Order has established a Republic Navy stationed through out the inner galaxy to combat this droid threat.

These are the playable factions and their leaders:

Republic Factions-
1. Republic ((Supreme Chancellor))
2. Republic ((The Senate))
3. The Jedi Order ((General Mace Windu))
4. The Jedi Order ((General Ki-Adi-Mundi))
5. The Grand Army of the Republic ((General Yoda))
6. Republic Navy ((General Plo Koon))
7. 501st Legion ((General Anakin Skywalker))
8. 212th Attack Battalion ((General Obi-Wan Kenobi))
9. Republic Star Systems ((Bail Organa))

Separatists Factions
1. Separatist Council ((Count Dooku))
2. Separatist Star Systems ((Voe Atell))
3. Trade Federation ((Viceroy Nute Gunray))
4. Trade Federation ((Rune Haako))
5. The Droid Army ((General Grievous))
6. Techno Union ((Wat Tamber))
7. Intergalactic Banking Clan
8. Corporate Alliance ((Magistrate Argente))

Everyone will receive enough event units on turn 1 to start the war on turn 2. Everyone will then receive 50 cruiser and ground units on turn 9, but this will be the last of your event units so use them wisely.

Turn 35 is a very important turn.
**hint** Its a great turn for the dark side but a terrible turn for the Jedi Order. Beware...
Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. Only the dark side can free me.
12.06.2014 - 16:39
Yay another bad map

EDIT: >Turn 35 hue hue, assuming we play till that

13.06.2014 - 15:23
Interesting but ultimately the scale is too huge. In a way it simulates the enormity of the conflict but in atwar its just beyond the scope of the game. Secondly units are wonky, like battle droids have 7/7 costing 50 yet super battle battle droids are 8/8 and cost like triple. Finally the background is just blurry and an eyesore, in addition to the fact that when you zoom out you can't even see who has control of sectors since the planets are tiny.

These are just my opinions and you can check out my clone wars that is a 2v2 to compare and contrast
14.06.2014 - 18:02
Thanks for the comments aetius, I will work on these aspects. Although the reason for the cheapness and strength of the battledroid in comparison to its counter parts is due in fact to the separatist army receiving nothing but battledroids an starting event ground units, and the battledroids are also limited in production and are only buildable in a couple of areas. Im gonna change the naval aspect of the map and give it borders. You're advice is appreciated and ill do what I can to fix these issues, or better explaine them.
Pertaining to Adog. Come on man, you jock maps dude. What makes you an authority on map making from scratch? Finding your own backgrounds and modifying your own map. Your advice is not appreciated, due to its lack of wisdom and tactfulness. Get over yourself adog, everyone is talking about it...
Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. Only the dark side can free me.
27.06.2014 - 19:21
I believe this probably only affects casual games but one suggestion I would make would be to give the event units on turn 2 rather than turn 1. It seems like with casual games its usually only the host who joins on turn 0 and everyone else joins turn 1 or later and misses out on the free event units. It gives the host a bit of an advantage.
04.07.2014 - 22:05
Omg star wars is life
27.07.2014 - 00:03
I havent looked into the map but i can tell you this, star wars isnt really compatible with atwar. first off atwar isnt set up for the fighting style and second off you cant make the map big enough to depict the real war, all the units have to have like 1 or 2 range and even then with blitz its retarded. also the banking clan was more or less neutral even though it paid a bit more to the separatists, it was Switzerland, neutral

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