16.07.2014 - 13:29
I was using lucky bastard lately, and im interested in how critical chances work. 1) lets say you have 5 critical chances, does it give you a chance of getting +5attack/5defences? 2)lets say you have 5 critical chances, does it gives you a 5% chance of getting +1attack/+1defences?
---- Hi
16.07.2014 - 13:38
First let me explain you how attack work: An unit with 4 attack max ( for example, a infantry) will roll a random number from 1 to 4. if it roll 3 in attack posicion, then the infantry deal 3 damange. An unit with 3 defense max( for example, a marine) will roll a random number from 1 to 3. If it roll 1 on defense posicion, then it deal 1 damange. However, critical is the chance that the unit add to his roll the max attack. 5 critical mean 5/100 or 5% chances of a critical hit. If a tank with 8 attack roll 3 in attack posicion, and the hit is critical, then the tank will deal 8+3 = 11 damange. LB give +10/100 or 10% critical, guaranting you to get better luck at critical hits. For example, a LB tank have 15 critical, that mean 15/100 or 15% chances to roll a critical hit. Find more information here
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