‹‹ Natrag Bugs
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Objave: 5   Posjećeno od: 167 users
12.07.2011 - 23:18
I have noticed that sometimes, from what I have been able to replicate if you make a defense line outside a city and then move the remaining units outside of the city to do something they will instead be put evenly divided inside the defense lines you made. This also happens with dividing units up...Sometimes If I divide my units and move some of my units in a stack to attack something and the other to move somewhere they will not attack but instead move all of the units non-divided to where I moved the other stack of troops.
Napisao Amok, 31.08.2012 at 03:10
Fruit's theory is correct
Napisao tophat, 30.08.2012 at 21:04
Fruit is right

13.07.2011 - 11:15
I can confirm the first scenario has happened to me. I have also seen the following which really pissed me off it is is true. I have a 4 unit defense lien typical square formation, I had some units that were going to reniforce it but they couldnt make it all the way so I attached it to the exiting defense line which had been place place for a few turns, Apparently adding to a defense line causes it to temporarily break or something? because the defense line was attacked that turn, and somehow his units landed inside my defense line formation???? right beside my cap but the defense lines were still up?
13.07.2011 - 11:46
What sony says happens if you do any movement in your line and it gets attacked the attecker gonna end up either inside or outside.
14.07.2011 - 11:34
Yeah, the main problem I have is that I am attaching a unit to an Existing line, why should that break the line?
13.12.2011 - 15:03
I also witnessed that bug some times. It really sucks as it costs you one turn, and the last time it even costed my General his life. (-_-)

I moved him, along with a stack of Militia, out of my surrounded city to attack another one. The Militia joined the Militia forming a wall, and my General attacked a city with four Militia in on his own...

Might it be that this only happens with Militia/equal units? I don't recall that happening when dragging Infantry through Militia defenselines.
Versão brasileira: Herbert Richers.

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