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07.02.2015 - 09:49
Hi. My name is Daniel and I'm spanish. I'd like to contribute to the translation program, because I ser a lot of errors in the current one.

The thing is that I'm Rank 4, but I know the atwar spanish community would appreciate a nice translation.

Can I get the rights to contribute? I can do a real good job :v
07.02.2015 - 21:27
Hm... Ya se, hay bastantes detalles por mejorar :/

Napisao clovis1122, 07.02.2015 at 05:17

Tu eres moderador de la lengua española creo?
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

08.02.2015 - 17:30
Sí, creí que podía contribuir siendo de cualquier rango, pero es desde el 5. Estoy llorando :C
09.02.2015 - 06:45
Napisao nothin personnel, 08.02.2015 at 17:30

Sí, creí que podía contribuir siendo de cualquier rango, pero es desde el 5. Estoy llorando :C

Es que no pretendes seguir jugando y mejorando??
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

09.02.2015 - 10:10
Claaaro que sí XD, es que como me faltan tantos XPs, pensé que podía empezar desde ya a traducir D:
09.02.2015 - 19:36
Napisao nothin personnel, 09.02.2015 at 10:10

Claaaro que sí XD, es que como me faltan tantos XPs, pensé que podía empezar desde ya a traducir D:

Bah,,, tomate tu tiempo, disfruta un poco mas del juego y ya tendras tiempo de sobra para poder aportar lo que veas necesario a la traduccion (creeme, los sp que te faltan no son nada comparado con lo que te quedan por ganar )
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

10.02.2015 - 12:11
Está bien xd
11.02.2015 - 16:23
Napisao ArminyMouse, 11.02.2015 at 08:46

Jeja,biend esta,esta bien,vi jestitien govnesi?

Shhhh! No one invited you to this spanish conversation
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

15.02.2015 - 14:23
el Español eres para coños
19.02.2015 - 06:25
Napisao Gandalf The Jew, 15.02.2015 at 14:23

el Español eres para coños

Nice try... for a portuguese baby

Nice google translate which doesn't mean shit
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

20.02.2015 - 17:48
Napisao RaulPB, 19.02.2015 at 06:25

Napisao Gandalf The Jew, 15.02.2015 at 14:23

el Español eres para coños

Nice try... for a portuguese baby

Nice google translate which doesn't mean shit

lmao I didn't google translate that, I had 2 years of spanish in middle school I just suck at it xD
spanish is really alike to portuguese when written, I can understand almost everything, but I can't understand shit when I try to speak it, you damned hispanicos talk too fast
21.02.2015 - 09:29
Napisao Gandalf The Jew, 20.02.2015 at 17:48

lmao I didn't google translate that, I had 2 years of spanish in middle school I just suck at it xD
spanish is really alike to portuguese when written, I can understand almost everything, but I can't understand shit when I try to speak it, you damned hispanicos talk too fast

XD I was damned sure you tried google to translate that.... at least you spelled them right and even used the ñ haha
As if portuguese people didn't talk fast! As for being alike, Gallego is much more alike
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

22.02.2015 - 15:08
Napisao RaulPB, 07.02.2015 at 21:27

Hm... Ya se, hay bastantes detalles por mejorar :/

Napisao clovis1122, 07.02.2015 at 05:17

Tu eres moderador de la lengua española creo?

seep, si lo soy. Pero nose porque no me llego tu notificacion o.o

orale Nib Dalen, de donde sos? El español hay que transladarlo a un "español neutro" para que todos entiendan xD. Pero de cualquier forma si quieres ayudar a traducir solo dale a translade y dale al español.

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