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18.05.2012 - 16:30
I want to know what happens if 2 players attack a neutral city?

Lets say spain attacks paris and uk too. both countries are attacking the paris with tanks and infantrys.

Can me please someone explain what is happening there?
18.05.2012 - 17:22
Napisao Tzeentch, 18.05.2012 at 16:30

I want to know what happens if 2 players attack a neutral city?

Lets say spain attacks paris and uk too. both countries are attacking the paris with tanks and infantrys.

Can me please someone explain what is happening there?

player with the most surviving land units or bombers gets the city.
18.05.2012 - 17:54
Napisao nonames, 18.05.2012 at 17:22

Napisao Tzeentch, 18.05.2012 at 16:30

I want to know what happens if 2 players attack a neutral city?

Lets say spain attacks paris and uk too. both countries are attacking the paris with tanks and infantrys.

Can me please someone explain what is happening there?

player with the most surviving land units or bombers gets the city.

he meant a different thing, well militia will always be defending, but sometimes the players forces fight each other, other chances are that they fight militia, and take turns, so that it has no specific pattern, the question is, is it totally random or there is a certain mechanism for it ??
Victorious Secret - sexiest cln of atWar
Horny Christmas & Fappy New Year Everyone!!
18.05.2012 - 18:40
Oh sorry i assumed he was talking about two allies..

yeah it counts as both players attacking.

assuming player 1 had 10 tanks
and player 2 had 10 marines
both player using none strategy

i'm guessing it would be something like
player 1 attack militia, using attack stat (8)
player 2 attack militia, using attack stat(7)
miltia attack player 1, using defence stat (4)
player 1 attack player 2, using attack stat (8)
player 2 attack player 1, using attack stat (7)
militia attack player 2, using defence stat (4)

note you would never use your defence stat, only ever attacking
i'm not saying this is what would happen, but it would probably be similar to this, and the attack orders would be shuffled every time. idk tbh hahaha.

this is why sometimes two people can attack a city and militia is left over and no-one takes the city.
22.05.2012 - 05:30
Napisao nonames, 18.05.2012 at 17:22

Napisao Tzeentch, 18.05.2012 at 16:30

I want to know what happens if 2 players attack a neutral city?

Lets say spain attacks paris and uk too. both countries are attacking the paris with tanks and infantrys.

Can me please someone explain what is happening there?

player with the most surviving land units or bombers gets the city.

That last isnt true at all, for example:
If two players attack one city (and they are allies) the player with more land units gets the city, bombers(and air units) dont count for conquering city.
I dont understand why people says that Full Package is too expensive:

"I... Feel a little dead inside"
22.05.2012 - 09:35
I have been told bombers were added in, i doubted it too, guess you can try it out.
22.05.2012 - 10:21
The whole thing cant be rigth, i have won a city with 1 Marine while the other player attacks with 8 Bomber and 4 Inf, against 8 neutral Inf.
The other lost all of his troops against the Neutral, and i just took the empty City (in fact i dont know how 8 Bomber could lose there, but thats another Question^^)
05.07.2012 - 00:52
Noone has another idea what migth happen when 2 fight for 1 neutral city?
05.07.2012 - 05:34
In the battle phase 3 armies appear: attacker1, attacker2, and neutral.
The system chooses 2 of those armies randomly to fight until one unit dies. If one of those 2 is neutral, it will always be defending and the other attacking. Otherwise, the system will choose who will attack or defend (from the 2 attackers) randomly too.
This procedure is repeated until 2 of the 3 armies are eliminated.
05.07.2012 - 06:59
So with a lot of bad luck it could happen that Player A and neutral are choosen 2 or more times while player B has luck und just get it?
05.07.2012 - 07:12
Yes, it is possible for the player with the least amount of units to take the city if he had luck, but it is unlikely if there is a big difference in units.
In general, the player with the larger amount/better quality of units, and better attacking:defending unit combination will take the city.
09.07.2012 - 01:08
I've always gotten lucky takin cities when someone else attacking it just by using 2 offensive units then a bunch of defensive units attacking. Basically I do this so that when the battle starts the other player attacking with all offensive units dukes it out with the neutral units first before fighting mine. Thus giving me the advantage.
I like stuff.... Yay?
15.07.2012 - 04:40
 Ivan (Administrator)
Napisao Abdulla, 05.07.2012 at 05:34

In the battle phase 3 armies appear: attacker1, attacker2, and neutral.
The system chooses 2 of those armies randomly to fight until one unit dies. If one of those 2 is neutral, it will always be defending and the other attacking. Otherwise, the system will choose who will attack or defend (from the 2 attackers) randomly too.
This procedure is repeated until 2 of the 3 armies are eliminated.

This is correct. The two attacking armies will occasionally fight each other - one will be attacking, another defending; roles being chosen randomly. City troops will always be defending.
26.03.2021 - 13:13
Napisao Ivan, 15.07.2012 at 04:40

Napisao Abdulla, 05.07.2012 at 05:34

In the battle phase 3 armies appear: attacker1, attacker2, and neutral.
The system chooses 2 of those armies randomly to fight until one unit dies. If one of those 2 is neutral, it will always be defending and the other attacking. Otherwise, the system will choose who will attack or defend (from the 2 attackers) randomly too.
This procedure is repeated until 2 of the 3 armies are eliminated.

This is correct. The two attacking armies will occasionally fight each other - one will be attacking, another defending; roles being chosen randomly. City troops will always be defending.

I have a doubt.

2 Players attack a city of a 3rd player. The 2 Players attacking are Not Allies

How will the battle proceed till there are units of the 3rd player??

Will the 2 attacking players attack each other as much as they attack the 3rd player city??
26.03.2021 - 18:48
 Mobster (Moderator)
Neutral awakens. 2 players are too much, it makes the neutral angry. It will use its reinforcements then cap all two players next turn.

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