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30.04.2020 - 02:23
 Sid (Administrator)
(Created by Pulse and edited by myself)

Hello gentlemen.

With the inclusion of the banlist, players now have the power to remove any player from any of his maps indefinitely. The potential for griefing is great on both sides, so I (Pulse) decided to create this thread to fix these issues. This is where you complain about being banned from a map without a reason or for something silly (i.e. refusing to allyend). When you appeal, the mapmaker will have to have a screenshot attached to the ban reason, otherwise the ban will be lifted.

Appeal Format

Use the format described below to appeal to be unbanned from a mapmaker's list. Any posts that do not follow the format described will be removed to keep this thread clean. In the title of the post, put your own name in brackets followed by the Map Maker's name and Banlist Appeal like: [Sid] Sascha Banlist Appeal , this is to make it easy for map makers to sort through and find appeals needing their attention.

Mapmaker: Type the name of the player who banned you between [user] tags. It will show it like this: Pulse
Reason for the ban: What was the reason you were banned
Reason for the appeal: why do you think you deserve to be unbanned

Guidelines to use the Ban List

  • You can ban anyone from your games for whatever reason you want.

  • To ban someone from your maps and scenarios you must provide proof. Always attach a screenshot to the reason of the ban. If you have no screenshot attached and an appeal is made, the player will be unbanned.

  • Do not ban someone from your maps and scenarios for personal reasons (i.e. he insulted you, called you ugly, stupid, or w/e; you don't like him, etc etc).

  • You can ban someone from your maps and scenarios if that person deliberately joined with the purpose of trolling, leaving early, wallfucking, griefing and/or with the intent of interfering with the other players' ability to enjoy the map or scenario; or if he broke a specific scenario rule for a second time (insulting the mapmaker is not a valid map or scenario rule; you can ban him from your games for that and report him to the mods);

  • You cannot ban someone from your maps or scenarios for things that happened in other players' maps or scenarios.

Things to Know / Rules when making an Appeal

  • Please do not post in any Appeal thread where you are not the player banned, mapmaker, player providing evidence or a moderator.

  • Decisions are final, do not post multiple Appeals without waiting atleast a year or you may be forum muted.

  • The decision to repeal whatever action against you is ultimately up to the Map Maker or a Moderator if the Map Maker is inactive or the evidence is insufficient / reasoning is incorrect.

  • Be respectful or your appeal will be denied.

Valid Ban Reasons

These reasons below are valid and the mods won't be able to interfere, it's up to the mapmaker to unban and this thread is not going to be helpful. These are not the only valid reasons. Situations may arise where a ban is valid and not present below. They will be dealt with case by case.

  • Started as country X and allied country Y when the rules stated they cannot ally, 2nd time (

  • Entered enemy country without authorization from UN when the rules state that authorization is needed, 2nd time (

  • Latejoined as country X to specifically kill player Y (

  • Wallfucked turn 1 (

  • Joined the game and flamed everyone when they didn't do what he wanted (

Not valid Ban Reasons

The following ban reasons will end up with them revoked either when an appeal is submitted to this thread or at a mod's discretion.

  • Backstabed his allies: diplomacy is part of the game and taking advantage of that is not against the rules

  • Insulted the mapmaker: in this case, screenshot and report to the mods.

  • Insulted my religion: same thing as above, screenshot and report to the mods, this is not a valid reason to ban from your maps.

  • Lied about resources or tactics to gain unfair advantage: intel is also part of the game, using it to your advantage is not against the rules.

  • empty reason: you must provide a reason and proof, otherwise the ban will be lifted.

  • no screenshot attached: you must provide proof, otherwise the ban will be lifted

  • broke rule x: what is rule x and where is the screenshot?

  • being a toxic player: not a valid reason to ban from your maps; report to the moderation and we'll check if it warrants an intervention

I hope things are clearer now, both for mapmakers and for players. Rule of thumb for mapmakers is use common sense, the idea for the map may be yours, but the map belongs to the AW community and the access to it must be as open as possible. For players. don't be a dick and respect the map's rules. They provide a unique experience within the game and to achieve that sometimes arbitrary rules are needed.

Cheers guys.

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