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Objave: 9   Posjećeno od: 89 users
26.04.2021 - 01:56
 Mobster (Moderator)
No bonuses. But the player who picks this will see what all other players picked as their strategies once the game starts.

Another variant: Pick half the players randomly, the player with counterintelligence will see their strats and + gets bonus to land/air/naval units detection for all units.
26.04.2021 - 05:56
Napisao Mobster, 26.04.2021 at 01:56

No bonuses. But the player who picks this will see what all other players picked as their strategies once the game starts.

I can find out what's my oppenents strat in less than 30 secs lol, you have a battlescreen just use it lol
26.04.2021 - 05:58
 Mobster (Moderator)
Napisao Froyer, 26.04.2021 at 05:56

Napisao Mobster, 26.04.2021 at 01:56

No bonuses. But the player who picks this will see what all other players picked as their strategies once the game starts.

I can find out what's my oppenents strat in less than 30 secs lol, you have a battlescreen just use it lol
Dude mind reading is not legit it's hacks
26.04.2021 - 14:49
Yeah we need strategies like this that go beyond altering HP/range/attack/defense. Increasing available variables should happen
Happiness = reality - expectations
30.04.2021 - 23:18
Meh i would support just because i think it would be interesting to snipe t1 expands, but i dont think it has much use
02.05.2021 - 23:06
Napisao Froyer, 26.04.2021 at 05:56

Napisao Mobster, 26.04.2021 at 01:56

No bonuses. But the player who picks this will see what all other players picked as their strategies once the game starts.

I can find out what's my oppenents strat in less than 30 secs lol, you have a battlescreen just use it lol

knowing t1 what a person's strat is can help A LOT in some cases. In team games I wonder how this would work
18.12.2021 - 01:58
Seriously, especially with new strats coming into plat and new metas to be made. This has potential but i also thinK it should have a higher stealth detection rate/buffed defense against stealth.
The Gifted INC.

18.12.2021 - 02:06
Napisao Mobster, 26.04.2021 at 01:56

No bonuses. But the player who picks this will see what all other players picked as their strategies once the game starts.

Another variant: Pick half the players randomly, the player with counterintelligence will see their strats and + gets bonus to land/air/naval units detection for all units.

Buffs -
- Reveals All Players Strategies Turn One
- +5-10? View Range
- +1 Def against all stealth units/ includes ground other units marked as stealth for scenario use
- Cheaper Stealth detection building and Air Support units
-+1 Att for stealth units

Debuffs -
+10 Cost for all units except stealth
-1 Att for Infantry/tanks

A kind of hybrid stealth strat that works well In team settings
The Gifted INC.

18.07.2024 - 17:23
Re punch
The Gifted INC.


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