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21.08.2024 - 04:46
"World map 2.0 - All countries"

small map image

The map "World map 2.0 - All countries" is the one from "World Map 2.0" to which I have made several changes:

Added several countries that are in fact more or less independent or recognized as:

South Ossetia
Western Sahara

Added several small missing states;

San Marino
Vatican City
North Cyprus
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Sao Tome and Principe

Further divisions of some states:

Australia: Tasmania
Azerbaijan: Nakhchivan
Tanzania: Zanzibar
UK: Anguilla
UK: Montserrat
Chia: Macao
India - Divided by all the states that compose it
Brazil - Divided by all the states that compose it
Argentina - Divided by all the states that compose it

Since the south of the world is poorer and weaker and that Antarctica has never been used but that natural resources also exist in reality even if they are not yet exploited, I have included some of the richest natural resources in Antarctica

Strengthened the economy of the weaker states, now no city yields less than 10 coins

Inserted some real flags, especially in some countries of Russia, China and Canada

Most of the brackish water has been removed

Of the air units, only helicopters can conquer cities

From turn 25, enhanced missiles are available

From turn 30, nuclear weapons are available

If anyone who plays it finds any errors or has any suggestions, please let me know
21.08.2024 - 10:53
.kosovo is Serbia
21.08.2024 - 11:19
Napisao nutt, 21.08.2024 at 10:53

.kosovo is Serbia

Following the Kosovo War (1998-99), the territory was taken from Serbian control and placed under UN administration. The Republic of Kosovo proclaimed itself independent in 2008 and is now recognized by about half of the UN member states

As in other cases, being de facto independent and/or recognized, I have placed it as an independent state on the map
07.02.2025 - 02:28
Update the map to the current situation:

Updated the flag of Syria
Removed the nation of Artsakh as it was conquered by Azerbaijan
Added Kurdistan in Syria as it is currently de facto independent even if not recognized
09.02.2025 - 13:10
Bro decide if you want recognized countries map or de facto map
09.02.2025 - 13:19
Napisao Guillotine, 09.02.2025 at 13:10

Bro decide if you want recognized countries map or de facto map

I have included those that are de facto independent whether they are recognized or not, the divisions of the larger federal states and other smaller divisions simply because they are detached from the main country.
09.02.2025 - 13:40
De facto there is no Palestine, it is either Palestinian Authority which has no army, or Gaza ruled by Hamas.
De facto there are divisions to Yemen too.
Also, what about all the terrorist group that hold territories in Somalia for example.
09.02.2025 - 14:07
Napisao Guillotine, 09.02.2025 at 13:40

De facto there is no Palestine, it is either Palestinian Authority which has no army, or Gaza ruled by Hamas.
De facto there are divisions to Yemen too.
Also, what about all the terrorist group that hold territories in Somalia for example.

As much as I am against the Palestinian cause, Hamas actually has control of Gaza (I hope that after the end of the war it loses it) and defines itself as Palestinian, as for the Palestinian authority it has a large autonomy even if not complete and is recognized by the UN and many countries

In Yemen there is still war as in Ukraine with undefined borders I cannot change the map until it stabilizes

As for Somalia officially only Somaliland is de facto independent even if not recognized the rest in the hands of terrorist groups does not have well defined borders, in fact however I was thinking of dividing Somalia into the other 3 states that compose it but just to make Africa a little stronger that despite having strengthened it is still one of the weakest areas

If we wanted to be precise then there are other states with similar problems of terrorism where the government does not have control of some areas such as Colombia, Pakistan, Iraq, Nigeria Syria itself still has pockets of ISIS resistance, etc ... but they are all with undefined borders, these terrorist groups I have decided to ignore them, the only exception I have made for terrorists are the Palestinians as they are de facto independent and recognized by the UN

I have to decide whether to divide Mexico too to make America stronger but it is a difficult job as they are 31 states...

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