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23.07.2013 - 15:26
Korisnički račun je izbrisan
Hello, i want to comment on the strategy hybrid warfare, i never played it but when i view it on the units page i see it changes everything. Its a mix of GW which is unconventional warfare and GC which is the orthodox warfare. I think we should take of the transport cost penalty because it takes good and bad characteristics of GW and adds some bad characteristics of its own on the marines and militia which is the decrease of attack and defense. It also take the good and bad characteristics of the old GC which is the increase of attack on tanks and decrease on defense; vice versa with the infantry, also it ads some bad characteristics which is the increase of price of tanks and infantry but what im trying to say that it focuses on changing the characteristics of ground units and each strategy affects to units, so why add another bad characteristics to transports? its already balanced with the unit changes

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