- - EDITION 9: AUGUST 6, 2017 - -

Table of Contents:
Section 1: atWar News
Section 2: Community Update
Section 3: Funny Video
Section 4: Tournament Update
"Read what your heart desires" - Someone

atWar News
This week began with the first rounds of numerous tournaments commencing, including the 1v1 5K, Ancient World Westm and the Master of Europe tournaments. These can be found in the tournaments sub-section of the forum.
On the competitive side of the game, Epic Clan hold first place on the leader board by a significant margin, followed by Mystics and Enigma who are very close. The Aristokrats lost multiple members this week, leaving the future of the clan uncertain. Will this once great clan return to its former glory?

Community Update
This week, we've got to speak with Sascha, leader from Mystics. He is not very known in community, so we wanted to hear his voice about his clan, and general state of atWar.

[pr] Pavle: ●Sascha: Sascha, as one of Mystics leaders, what do you personally think about Mystics as coalition?
[pr] ●Sascha: Since i have a long history with mystics its the place where my friends are and a lot nice people who love playing atwar
[pr] Pavle: ●Sascha: Yeah, but, current mystics formation wasn't in mystics for long time, most of old mystics members are inactive, not even checking game, what do you think about present situation and formation of your clan?
[pr] ●Sascha: we got strong and active players for cws which can compete with other top coalitons so there is nothing i worry about and i'm happy with the situation
[pr] Pavle: ●Sascha: Can Mystics win this season?
[pr] ●Sascha: wont be easy since there are other strong clans but we definitely have a chance if we improve our teamplay
[pr] Pavle: ●Sascha: Does your clan accept low ranks? Problem with competetive scene is that most of the players are ranks about ten, it got really hard for low rank to start competetive.
[pr] ●Sascha: we tried to find some but we had some issus before with other people who used alts to join us. After we found out the guys got kicked. Its kinda hard to find good low ranks which arent a alt and really want to learn something.
[pr] Pavle: ●Sascha: okay, one final question, what is your opinion on situation of AtWar currently?
[pr] ●Sascha: this is a topic where you can say everything because we dont exactly know whats going on with ivan and amok and when they will return. At the moment atwar is a bit stucked but i hope the best for the future so lets make atwar great again
From Ideas and suggestions forums, we found two strange ideas for atWar, we talk about "trade countries" possibility(cascaval's idea), and "Loans"(Neptunia64)
Trading countries? Sounds like good addition to the game itself, could change gameplay a lot, but, community didn't agree on this suggestion. Part of community agreed to this idea, but part of community found it very unfair, good example is player Waffel:
Napisao Waffel, 04.08.2017 at 16:42

Yeahh seems fair. Lets give a player, who just died in Western Europe, russia for his ireland, and ukraine for his portugal!!!! So the game can go on again.

When we talk about Game strategy and tips forums, we must agree that the best game guide of this week is Ancient map guide (KT west) (made by  Dark Magic Lord).
These are the introduction words from maker of this guide:
Napisao RaulPB, 03.08.2017 at 13:41

This is one of the most successful custom maps made up to this time, created by Avatar with the collaboration from Killingforfun. It even created a player base which became very known at its peak of popularity. At the time, you could see at least one Ancient game for many hours on a road.

Republic of Rome is forum game, where players that choose to play run as Roman Senators. They decide who to battle, who will command Roman troops, which amount of troops will Rome build or disband every turn. It is mixture of political game, where you want to get as much power for yourself, or your faction, and strategy game, where, even enemies between each other, senators need to agree, to expand Rome, and survive turns. Turn four goes in game, but you can still join, just contact game host or post on topic itself. You want to become Roman dictator? Or you want to make your family rich, and be governor? Come and play Republic of Rome! 
And the last, but not the least important, we will present you the "Republic of Rome #2"(by Aetius), forum game.

"Rome has recently emerged as the leading city-state in the Italian Peninsula, a wealthy, powerful, expansionist republic with a successful citizen army.  Over the past one hundred years, Rome has come into conflict, and defeated rivals on the Italian peninsula, then incorporated them into the Roman political world. First the Latin League was forcibly dissolved during the Latin War,  then the power of the Samnites was broken during the three prolonged Samnite wars,  and then the Greek cities of Magna Graecia (southern Italy) submitted to Roman power at the conclusion of the Pyrrhic War  By the beginning of the First Punic War, the Romans have secured the whole of the Italian peninsula, except Gallia Cisalpina in the Po Valley."

This is a comedic video created by Witch Doctor mocking current allegations around him, this is in no way meant to insult anyone and should not be taken too seriously. Enjoy, it's definitely one of the better Hitler atWar parody videos.

Tournament Update
The 1v1 5k Tournament has begun. Each player must play their games by 9:00pm GMT, Sunday, August 13th. Please PR Wheelo with your results, showing a screenshot of the victory. The live tournament bracket can be found here which includes live updates: http://challonge.com/kpkifbwm
Good luck to all participants!

Content Creator: Pavel, Wheelo, Witch Doctor
Editing: Darkmace

"The tale of the haunted refrigerator was chilling."



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Komentari: 51   Posjećeno od: 1218 users
06.08.2017 - 23:50
 Sascha (Moderator)
First Well done

Life has no limitations, except the ones you make.
--Les Brown
07.08.2017 - 00:55
Seems like aristokrats weren't the only ones that lost some players this week *looking at Mystics* D ... good post , was a nice read
07.08.2017 - 01:00
 Sascha (Moderator)
Napisao Ghostface, 07.08.2017 at 00:55

Seems like aristokrats weren't the only ones that lost some players this week *looking at Mystics* D ... good post , was a nice read

agree but since we are a bigger coalition it doesnt have that much impact on mystics as in the case of aristo

Life has no limitations, except the ones you make.
--Les Brown
07.08.2017 - 05:50
Korisnički račun je izbrisan
Atwar press be like

Mystics , hdrakon and jews
07.08.2017 - 09:04
Jews run even the atwar media........
07.08.2017 - 09:44
 Sascha (Moderator)
Napisao Evic, 07.08.2017 at 09:04

Jews run even the atwar media........

Hdrakon isnt involed in atwar Press. Every Supporter can confirm that.

Life has no limitations, except the ones you make.
--Les Brown
07.08.2017 - 09:57
Napisao Sascha, 07.08.2017 at 09:44

Hdrakon isnt involed in atwar Press. Every Supporter can confirm that.

*checks who the active supporters are*

Yup, hdrakon has noooo impact what so ever......
07.08.2017 - 10:00
With all due respect, the grammar in this article is poor.

"He is not very known in community"
He is not very known in the community

"These are the introduction words from maker of this guide:"
These are the introductory words from the creator of this guide

"Republic of Rome is forum game"
Republic of Rome is a forum game

"Trading countries? Sounds like good addition to the game itself, could change gameplay a lot, but, community didn't agree on this suggestion"
Trading countries? Sounds like a good addition to the game, it has potential to change gameplay a lot. However, the community didn't agree with this suggestion.

"When we talk about Game strategy and tips forums, we must agree that the best game guide of this week is Ancient map guide (KT west) (made by  Dark Magic Lord). "
When in discussion regarding the Game Strategy and Tips forum, it is indisputable that the best guide this week is Ancient World Guide for KT's West made by RaulPB.

"From Ideas and suggestions forums, we found two strange ideas for atWar, we talk about "trade countries" possibility(cascaval's idea), and "Loans"(Neptunia64)"
From the Ideas and Suggestions forum, we have found two intriguing ideas for atWar. They are namely the possibility of trading countries (suggested by cascaval) and an idea of loans as suggested by Neptunia64

"and general state of atWar."
and the general state of atWar

"This is a comedic video created by Witch Doctor mocking current allegations around him"
This is a comedic video created by Witch Doctor mocking current allegations about him

"They decide who to battle, who will command Roman troops, which amount of troops will Rome build or disband every turn. It is mixture of political game, where you want to get as much power for yourself, or your faction, and strategy game, where, even enemies between each other, senators need to agree, to expand Rome, and survive turns. Turn four goes in game, but you can still join, just contact game host or post on topic itself. You want to become Roman dictator? Or you want to make your family rich, and be governor? Come and play Republic of Rome! "

They decide on who to battle, on who will command Roman troops, the amount of troops Rome will build or disband each turn and many others. It is a mixture of a political game, where you need to gain political power for yourself or your faction and a strategy game, where even enemies or fellow senators need to come to agreements, to expand rome and guarantee their own survival. It is currently turn four, but you can still join by contacting the game host or posting on the topic itself. Do you want to become a Roman dictator? Do you want to make your family rich as the governor of Rome? Do you want to lead Rome herself into a new golden age? Come and play Republic of Rome now!

Before the shitposts arrive, let me make this clear that I am not insulting the content creators, I am merely pointing out a few mistakes.

Also, could someone quote me, pavle has me on ignore after he chose to not respect bugged wall t1 and ran away.

07.08.2017 - 10:12
 Sascha (Moderator)
Napisao Evic, 07.08.2017 at 09:57

Napisao Sascha, 07.08.2017 at 09:44

Hdrakon isnt involed in atwar Press. Every Supporter can confirm that.

*checks who the active supporters are*

Yup, hdrakon has noooo impact what so ever......

i check the active supporters and i see also 4 enigma members.
Does this mean that hdrakon and godofwar are leading the atwar press ?

Life has no limitations, except the ones you make.
--Les Brown
07.08.2017 - 10:13

Napisao Guest, 07.08.2017 at 05:50

Atwar press be like

Mystics , hdrakon and jews
Napisao Evic, 07.08.2017 at 09:04

Jews run even the atwar media........
Napisao Evic, 07.08.2017 at 09:57
Napisao Sascha, 07.08.2017 at 09:44

Hdrakon isnt involed in atwar Press. Every Supporter can confirm that.

*checks who the active supporters are*

Yup, hdrakon has noooo impact what so ever......

07.08.2017 - 10:16
Napisao LukeTan, 07.08.2017 at 10:00

With all due respect, the grammar in this article is poor.

Also, could someone quote me, pavle has me on ignore after he chose to not respect bugged wall t1 and ran away.

It's nice of you that you take your time to correct the grammar mistakes, and I would appreciate if you won't forward me spam messages.
07.08.2017 - 11:27
Seriously tho, this whole newspaper project has become a huge speaker for Mystics, just shut it down and remove the supporters thing all together.
07.08.2017 - 11:38
 Sascha (Moderator)
Napisao Evic, 07.08.2017 at 11:27

Seriously tho, this whole newspaper project has become a huge speaker for Mystics, just shut it down and remove the supporters thing all together.

ok if this is a huge speaker for mystics then please tell me what kind of message we are trying to send out to atwar ?

Life has no limitations, except the ones you make.
--Les Brown
07.08.2017 - 11:44
Korisnički račun je izbrisan
Napisao LukeTan, 07.08.2017 at 10:00

With all due respect, the grammar in this article is poor.

"He is not very known in community"
He is not very known in the community

"These are the introduction words from maker of this guide:"
These are the introductory words from the creator of this guide

"Republic of Rome is forum game"
Republic of Rome is a forum game

"Trading countries? Sounds like good addition to the game itself, could change gameplay a lot, but, community didn't agree on this suggestion"
Trading countries? Sounds like a good addition to the game, it has potential to change gameplay a lot. However, the community didn't agree with this suggestion.

"When we talk about Game strategy and tips forums, we must agree that the best game guide of this week is Ancient map guide (KT west) (made by  Dark Magic Lord). "
When in discussion regarding the Game Strategy and Tips forum, it is indisputable that the best guide this week is Ancient World Guide for KT's West made by RaulPB.

"From Ideas and suggestions forums, we found two strange ideas for atWar, we talk about "trade countries" possibility(cascaval's idea), and "Loans"(Neptunia64)"
From the Ideas and Suggestions forum, we have found two intriguing ideas for atWar. They are namely the possibility of trading countries (suggested by cascaval) and an idea of loans as suggested by Neptunia64

"and general state of atWar."
and the general state of atWar

"This is a comedic video created by Witch Doctor mocking current allegations around him"
This is a comedic video created by Witch Doctor mocking current allegations about him

"They decide who to battle, who will command Roman troops, which amount of troops will Rome build or disband every turn. It is mixture of political game, where you want to get as much power for yourself, or your faction, and strategy game, where, even enemies between each other, senators need to agree, to expand Rome, and survive turns. Turn four goes in game, but you can still join, just contact game host or post on topic itself. You want to become Roman dictator? Or you want to make your family rich, and be governor? Come and play Republic of Rome! "

They decide on who to battle, on who will command Roman troops, the amount of troops Rome will build or disband each turn and many others. It is a mixture of a political game, where you need to gain political power for yourself or your faction and a strategy game, where even enemies or fellow senators need to come to agreements, to expand rome and guarantee their own survival. It is currently turn four, but you can still join by contacting the game host or posting on the topic itself. Do you want to become a Roman dictator? Do you want to make your family rich as the governor of Rome? Do you want to lead Rome herself into a new golden age? Come and play Republic of Rome now!

Before the shitposts arrive, let me make this clear that I am not insulting the content creators, I am merely pointing out a few mistakes.

Also, could someone quote me, pavle has me on ignore after he chose to not respect bugged wall t1 and ran away.

You got me by surprise there ...singapore really is a country full of nerds..no offence
07.08.2017 - 12:36
Updated article to include Tournament information.

Napisao Guest, 07.08.2017 at 05:50

Atwar press be like

Mystics , hdrakon and jews

Napisao Evic, 07.08.2017 at 09:04

Jews run even the atwar media........

There are 4 sections in this article, and one section just includes an interview with a Mystics leader. If you believe this is 'all about Mystics and hdrakon' then I would suggest you contacting Ivan so he can demote me and stop this all together.

If not, then simply piss off.
07.08.2017 - 12:39
Ohhhh thanks for featuring my work here!! Maybe add a source or bibliography section as to add the links to forward people interested in the content you are sharing that is taken from another thread!
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

07.08.2017 - 12:59
Napisao LukeTan, 07.08.2017 at 10:00

With all due respect, the grammar in this article is poor.

"He is not very known in community"
He is not very known in the community

"These are the introduction words from maker of this guide:"
These are the introductory words from the creator of this guide

"Republic of Rome is forum game"
Republic of Rome is a forum game

"Trading countries? Sounds like good addition to the game itself, could change gameplay a lot, but, community didn't agree on this suggestion"
Trading countries? Sounds like a good addition to the game, it has potential to change gameplay a lot. However, the community didn't agree with this suggestion.

"When we talk about Game strategy and tips forums, we must agree that the best game guide of this week is Ancient map guide (KT west) (made by  Dark Magic Lord). "
When in discussion regarding the Game Strategy and Tips forum, it is indisputable that the best guide this week is Ancient World Guide for KT's West made by RaulPB.

"From Ideas and suggestions forums, we found two strange ideas for atWar, we talk about "trade countries" possibility(cascaval's idea), and "Loans"(Neptunia64)"
From the Ideas and Suggestions forum, we have found two intriguing ideas for atWar. They are namely the possibility of trading countries (suggested by cascaval) and an idea of loans as suggested by Neptunia64

"and general state of atWar."
and the general state of atWar

"This is a comedic video created by Witch Doctor mocking current allegations around him"
This is a comedic video created by Witch Doctor mocking current allegations about him

"They decide who to battle, who will command Roman troops, which amount of troops will Rome build or disband every turn. It is mixture of political game, where you want to get as much power for yourself, or your faction, and strategy game, where, even enemies between each other, senators need to agree, to expand Rome, and survive turns. Turn four goes in game, but you can still join, just contact game host or post on topic itself. You want to become Roman dictator? Or you want to make your family rich, and be governor? Come and play Republic of Rome! "

They decide on who to battle, on who will command Roman troops, the amount of troops Rome will build or disband each turn and many others. It is a mixture of a political game, where you need to gain political power for yourself or your faction and a strategy game, where even enemies or fellow senators need to come to agreements, to expand rome and guarantee their own survival. It is currently turn four, but you can still join by contacting the game host or posting on the topic itself. Do you want to become a Roman dictator? Do you want to make your family rich as the governor of Rome? Do you want to lead Rome herself into a new golden age? Come and play Republic of Rome now!

Thanks for fixing my Press section, I am not born English speaker, I do not have perfect English. I am open for cooperation, I can send you articles, you fix them, and then i post in supporters forum

08.08.2017 - 00:46
Did someone say good low rank?

Moldova is Romania

08.08.2017 - 00:50
Also i think some didn't understand what my proposition is. It's only about the country selection process. I was thinking of this mainly for cw, so each coalition can kind of decide which player will play which role(east/west/$$$) before seeing who is randomly assigned first pick once everyone connects. The proposition I made is about switching countries prior to start of game within a team.

Moldova is Romania

08.08.2017 - 02:21
Napisao Abraham, 07.08.2017 at 10:16

Napisao LukeTan, 07.08.2017 at 10:00

With all due respect, the grammar in this article is poor.

Also, could someone quote me, pavle has me on ignore after he chose to not respect bugged wall t1 and ran away.

It's nice of you that you take your time to correct the grammar mistakes, and I would appreciate if you won't forward me spam messages.

I haven't sent you any messages, it could be the forward feature.
It puts my name if the original message was from me.

08.08.2017 - 10:28
Napisao Guest, 07.08.2017 at 11:44

Napisao LukeTan, 07.08.2017 at 10:00

With all due respect, the grammar in this article is poor.

"He is not very known in community"
He is not very known in the community

"These are the introduction words from maker of this guide:"
These are the introductory words from the creator of this guide

"Republic of Rome is forum game"
Republic of Rome is a forum game

"Trading countries? Sounds like good addition to the game itself, could change gameplay a lot, but, community didn't agree on this suggestion"
Trading countries? Sounds like a good addition to the game, it has potential to change gameplay a lot. However, the community didn't agree with this suggestion.

"When we talk about Game strategy and tips forums, we must agree that the best game guide of this week is Ancient map guide (KT west) (made by  Dark Magic Lord). "
When in discussion regarding the Game Strategy and Tips forum, it is indisputable that the best guide this week is Ancient World Guide for KT's West made by RaulPB.

"From Ideas and suggestions forums, we found two strange ideas for atWar, we talk about "trade countries" possibility(cascaval's idea), and "Loans"(Neptunia64)"
From the Ideas and Suggestions forum, we have found two intriguing ideas for atWar. They are namely the possibility of trading countries (suggested by cascaval) and an idea of loans as suggested by Neptunia64

"and general state of atWar."
and the general state of atWar

"This is a comedic video created by Witch Doctor mocking current allegations around him"
This is a comedic video created by Witch Doctor mocking current allegations about him

"They decide who to battle, who will command Roman troops, which amount of troops will Rome build or disband every turn. It is mixture of political game, where you want to get as much power for yourself, or your faction, and strategy game, where, even enemies between each other, senators need to agree, to expand Rome, and survive turns. Turn four goes in game, but you can still join, just contact game host or post on topic itself. You want to become Roman dictator? Or you want to make your family rich, and be governor? Come and play Republic of Rome! "

They decide on who to battle, on who will command Roman troops, the amount of troops Rome will build or disband each turn and many others. It is a mixture of a political game, where you need to gain political power for yourself or your faction and a strategy game, where even enemies or fellow senators need to come to agreements, to expand rome and guarantee their own survival. It is currently turn four, but you can still join by contacting the game host or posting on the topic itself. Do you want to become a Roman dictator? Do you want to make your family rich as the governor of Rome? Do you want to lead Rome herself into a new golden age? Come and play Republic of Rome now!

Before the shitposts arrive, let me make this clear that I am not insulting the content creators, I am merely pointing out a few mistakes.

Also, could someone quote me, pavle has me on ignore after he chose to not respect bugged wall t1 and ran away.

You got me by surprise there ...singapore really is a country full of nerds..no offence

Just one thing.
In lines "Do you want to lead Rome herself into a new golden age?" there is a mistake that you've made ^^
In English things like cities/countries don't possess/have gender so it should say "Do you want to lead Rome itself into a new golden age"
There are some other mistakes that my spelling correcting program has an issue with too, but this was a thing that I noticed with my very eyes and it did hit me.
08.08.2017 - 10:50
Napisao Alsinir, 08.08.2017 at 10:28

Napisao Guest, 07.08.2017 at 11:44

Napisao LukeTan, 07.08.2017 at 10:00

With all due respect, the grammar in this article is poor.

"He is not very known in community"
He is not very known in the community

"These are the introduction words from maker of this guide:"
These are the introductory words from the creator of this guide

"Republic of Rome is forum game"
Republic of Rome is a forum game

"Trading countries? Sounds like good addition to the game itself, could change gameplay a lot, but, community didn't agree on this suggestion"
Trading countries? Sounds like a good addition to the game, it has potential to change gameplay a lot. However, the community didn't agree with this suggestion.

"When we talk about Game strategy and tips forums, we must agree that the best game guide of this week is Ancient map guide (KT west) (made by  Dark Magic Lord). "
When in discussion regarding the Game Strategy and Tips forum, it is indisputable that the best guide this week is Ancient World Guide for KT's West made by RaulPB.

"From Ideas and suggestions forums, we found two strange ideas for atWar, we talk about "trade countries" possibility(cascaval's idea), and "Loans"(Neptunia64)"
From the Ideas and Suggestions forum, we have found two intriguing ideas for atWar. They are namely the possibility of trading countries (suggested by cascaval) and an idea of loans as suggested by Neptunia64

"and general state of atWar."
and the general state of atWar

"This is a comedic video created by Witch Doctor mocking current allegations around him"
This is a comedic video created by Witch Doctor mocking current allegations about him

"They decide who to battle, who will command Roman troops, which amount of troops will Rome build or disband every turn. It is mixture of political game, where you want to get as much power for yourself, or your faction, and strategy game, where, even enemies between each other, senators need to agree, to expand Rome, and survive turns. Turn four goes in game, but you can still join, just contact game host or post on topic itself. You want to become Roman dictator? Or you want to make your family rich, and be governor? Come and play Republic of Rome! "

They decide on who to battle, on who will command Roman troops, the amount of troops Rome will build or disband each turn and many others. It is a mixture of a political game, where you need to gain political power for yourself or your faction and a strategy game, where even enemies or fellow senators need to come to agreements, to expand rome and guarantee their own survival. It is currently turn four, but you can still join by contacting the game host or posting on the topic itself. Do you want to become a Roman dictator? Do you want to make your family rich as the governor of Rome? Do you want to lead Rome herself into a new golden age? Come and play Republic of Rome now!

Before the shitposts arrive, let me make this clear that I am not insulting the content creators, I am merely pointing out a few mistakes.

Also, could someone quote me, pavle has me on ignore after he chose to not respect bugged wall t1 and ran away.

You got me by surprise there ...singapore really is a country full of nerds..no offence

Just one thing.
In lines "Do you want to lead Rome herself into a new golden age?" there is a mistake that you've made ^^
In English things like cities/countries don't possess/have gender so it should say "Do you want to lead Rome itself into a new golden age"
There are some other mistakes that my spelling correcting program has an issue with too, but this was a thing that I noticed with my very eyes and it did hit me.


08.08.2017 - 11:03
Napisao LukeTan, 08.08.2017 at 10:50

Napisao Alsinir, 08.08.2017 at 10:28

Napisao Guest, 07.08.2017 at 11:44

Napisao LukeTan, 07.08.2017 at 10:00

With all due respect, the grammar in this article is poor.

"He is not very known in community"
He is not very known in the community

"These are the introduction words from maker of this guide:"
These are the introductory words from the creator of this guide

"Republic of Rome is forum game"
Republic of Rome is a forum game

"Trading countries? Sounds like good addition to the game itself, could change gameplay a lot, but, community didn't agree on this suggestion"
Trading countries? Sounds like a good addition to the game, it has potential to change gameplay a lot. However, the community didn't agree with this suggestion.

"When we talk about Game strategy and tips forums, we must agree that the best game guide of this week is Ancient map guide (KT west) (made by  Dark Magic Lord). "
When in discussion regarding the Game Strategy and Tips forum, it is indisputable that the best guide this week is Ancient World Guide for KT's West made by RaulPB.

"From Ideas and suggestions forums, we found two strange ideas for atWar, we talk about "trade countries" possibility(cascaval's idea), and "Loans"(Neptunia64)"
From the Ideas and Suggestions forum, we have found two intriguing ideas for atWar. They are namely the possibility of trading countries (suggested by cascaval) and an idea of loans as suggested by Neptunia64

"and general state of atWar."
and the general state of atWar

"This is a comedic video created by Witch Doctor mocking current allegations around him"
This is a comedic video created by Witch Doctor mocking current allegations about him

"They decide who to battle, who will command Roman troops, which amount of troops will Rome build or disband every turn. It is mixture of political game, where you want to get as much power for yourself, or your faction, and strategy game, where, even enemies between each other, senators need to agree, to expand Rome, and survive turns. Turn four goes in game, but you can still join, just contact game host or post on topic itself. You want to become Roman dictator? Or you want to make your family rich, and be governor? Come and play Republic of Rome! "

They decide on who to battle, on who will command Roman troops, the amount of troops Rome will build or disband each turn and many others. It is a mixture of a political game, where you need to gain political power for yourself or your faction and a strategy game, where even enemies or fellow senators need to come to agreements, to expand rome and guarantee their own survival. It is currently turn four, but you can still join by contacting the game host or posting on the topic itself. Do you want to become a Roman dictator? Do you want to make your family rich as the governor of Rome? Do you want to lead Rome herself into a new golden age? Come and play Republic of Rome now!

Before the shitposts arrive, let me make this clear that I am not insulting the content creators, I am merely pointing out a few mistakes.

Also, could someone quote me, pavle has me on ignore after he chose to not respect bugged wall t1 and ran away.

You got me by surprise there ...singapore really is a country full of nerds..no offence

Just one thing.
In lines "Do you want to lead Rome herself into a new golden age?" there is a mistake that you've made ^^
In English things like cities/countries don't possess/have gender so it should say "Do you want to lead Rome itself into a new golden age"
There are some other mistakes that my spelling correcting program has an issue with too, but this was a thing that I noticed with my very eyes and it did hit me.


Yes, but it clearly states that this use had been dropped since quite a bit of time and it is no longer commonly seem to use a personification of countries/cities as well as the mere fact that such a personification does not apply to every country/city/ship. For example, a ship called 'sailing wizard' wouldn't be referred to as 'her' would it?
08.08.2017 - 11:07
Napisao Alsinir, 08.08.2017 at 11:03

Napisao LukeTan, 08.08.2017 at 10:50

Napisao Alsinir, 08.08.2017 at 10:28

Napisao Guest, 07.08.2017 at 11:44

Napisao LukeTan, 07.08.2017 at 10:00

With all due respect, the grammar in this article is poor.

"He is not very known in community"
He is not very known in the community

"These are the introduction words from maker of this guide:"
These are the introductory words from the creator of this guide

"Republic of Rome is forum game"
Republic of Rome is a forum game

"Trading countries? Sounds like good addition to the game itself, could change gameplay a lot, but, community didn't agree on this suggestion"
Trading countries? Sounds like a good addition to the game, it has potential to change gameplay a lot. However, the community didn't agree with this suggestion.

"When we talk about Game strategy and tips forums, we must agree that the best game guide of this week is Ancient map guide (KT west) (made by  Dark Magic Lord). "
When in discussion regarding the Game Strategy and Tips forum, it is indisputable that the best guide this week is Ancient World Guide for KT's West made by RaulPB.

"From Ideas and suggestions forums, we found two strange ideas for atWar, we talk about "trade countries" possibility(cascaval's idea), and "Loans"(Neptunia64)"
From the Ideas and Suggestions forum, we have found two intriguing ideas for atWar. They are namely the possibility of trading countries (suggested by cascaval) and an idea of loans as suggested by Neptunia64

"and general state of atWar."
and the general state of atWar

"This is a comedic video created by Witch Doctor mocking current allegations around him"
This is a comedic video created by Witch Doctor mocking current allegations about him

"They decide who to battle, who will command Roman troops, which amount of troops will Rome build or disband every turn. It is mixture of political game, where you want to get as much power for yourself, or your faction, and strategy game, where, even enemies between each other, senators need to agree, to expand Rome, and survive turns. Turn four goes in game, but you can still join, just contact game host or post on topic itself. You want to become Roman dictator? Or you want to make your family rich, and be governor? Come and play Republic of Rome! "

They decide on who to battle, on who will command Roman troops, the amount of troops Rome will build or disband each turn and many others. It is a mixture of a political game, where you need to gain political power for yourself or your faction and a strategy game, where even enemies or fellow senators need to come to agreements, to expand rome and guarantee their own survival. It is currently turn four, but you can still join by contacting the game host or posting on the topic itself. Do you want to become a Roman dictator? Do you want to make your family rich as the governor of Rome? Do you want to lead Rome herself into a new golden age? Come and play Republic of Rome now!

Before the shitposts arrive, let me make this clear that I am not insulting the content creators, I am merely pointing out a few mistakes.

Also, could someone quote me, pavle has me on ignore after he chose to not respect bugged wall t1 and ran away.

You got me by surprise there ...singapore really is a country full of nerds..no offence

Just one thing.
In lines "Do you want to lead Rome herself into a new golden age?" there is a mistake that you've made ^^
In English things like cities/countries don't possess/have gender so it should say "Do you want to lead Rome itself into a new golden age"
There are some other mistakes that my spelling correcting program has an issue with too, but this was a thing that I noticed with my very eyes and it did hit me.


Yes, but it clearly states that this use had been dropped since quite a bit of time and it is no longer commonly seem to use a personification of countries/cities as well as the mere fact that such a personification does not apply to every country/city/ship. For example, a ship called 'sailing wizard' wouldn't be referred to as 'her' would it?

It also states that it depends on the author's preference, personally I prefer 'she' to 'it' since it does not imply the country as a liveless object.

08.08.2017 - 11:22
Napisao LukeTan, 08.08.2017 at 11:07

Napisao Alsinir, 08.08.2017 at 11:03

Napisao LukeTan, 08.08.2017 at 10:50

Napisao Alsinir, 08.08.2017 at 10:28

Napisao Guest, 07.08.2017 at 11:44

Napisao LukeTan, 07.08.2017 at 10:00

With all due respect, the grammar in this article is poor.

"He is not very known in community"
He is not very known in the community

"These are the introduction words from maker of this guide:"
These are the introductory words from the creator of this guide

"Republic of Rome is forum game"
Republic of Rome is a forum game

"Trading countries? Sounds like good addition to the game itself, could change gameplay a lot, but, community didn't agree on this suggestion"
Trading countries? Sounds like a good addition to the game, it has potential to change gameplay a lot. However, the community didn't agree with this suggestion.

"When we talk about Game strategy and tips forums, we must agree that the best game guide of this week is Ancient map guide (KT west) (made by  Dark Magic Lord). "
When in discussion regarding the Game Strategy and Tips forum, it is indisputable that the best guide this week is Ancient World Guide for KT's West made by RaulPB.

"From Ideas and suggestions forums, we found two strange ideas for atWar, we talk about "trade countries" possibility(cascaval's idea), and "Loans"(Neptunia64)"
From the Ideas and Suggestions forum, we have found two intriguing ideas for atWar. They are namely the possibility of trading countries (suggested by cascaval) and an idea of loans as suggested by Neptunia64

"and general state of atWar."
and the general state of atWar

"This is a comedic video created by Witch Doctor mocking current allegations around him"
This is a comedic video created by Witch Doctor mocking current allegations about him

"They decide who to battle, who will command Roman troops, which amount of troops will Rome build or disband every turn. It is mixture of political game, where you want to get as much power for yourself, or your faction, and strategy game, where, even enemies between each other, senators need to agree, to expand Rome, and survive turns. Turn four goes in game, but you can still join, just contact game host or post on topic itself. You want to become Roman dictator? Or you want to make your family rich, and be governor? Come and play Republic of Rome! "

They decide on who to battle, on who will command Roman troops, the amount of troops Rome will build or disband each turn and many others. It is a mixture of a political game, where you need to gain political power for yourself or your faction and a strategy game, where even enemies or fellow senators need to come to agreements, to expand rome and guarantee their own survival. It is currently turn four, but you can still join by contacting the game host or posting on the topic itself. Do you want to become a Roman dictator? Do you want to make your family rich as the governor of Rome? Do you want to lead Rome herself into a new golden age? Come and play Republic of Rome now!

Before the shitposts arrive, let me make this clear that I am not insulting the content creators, I am merely pointing out a few mistakes.

Also, could someone quote me, pavle has me on ignore after he chose to not respect bugged wall t1 and ran away.

You got me by surprise there ...singapore really is a country full of nerds..no offence

Just one thing.
In lines "Do you want to lead Rome herself into a new golden age?" there is a mistake that you've made ^^
In English things like cities/countries don't possess/have gender so it should say "Do you want to lead Rome itself into a new golden age"
There are some other mistakes that my spelling correcting program has an issue with too, but this was a thing that I noticed with my very eyes and it did hit me.


Yes, but it clearly states that this use had been dropped since quite a bit of time and it is no longer commonly seem to use a personification of countries/cities as well as the mere fact that such a personification does not apply to every country/city/ship. For example, a ship called 'sailing wizard' wouldn't be referred to as 'her' would it?

It also states that it depends on the author's preference, personally I prefer 'she' to 'it' since it does not imply the country as a liveless object.

I concede that you're quite right and I also admire your knowledge on the subject of the English language. My only smart-ass-like comment here is that Rome sounds rather genderless or maybe masculine. My theory could be supported by the myth which describes the creation of Rome by two BROTHERS (gen. masculine) Romulus and Remus. Romulus pushed his twin-brother off the Rome's wall and thus claimed the reign and decided to call the city after his own name.
08.08.2017 - 13:37
Can you guys please learn to quote?
08.08.2017 - 13:38
Napisao LukeTan, 08.08.2017 at 02:21

Napisao Abraham, 07.08.2017 at 10:16

Napisao LukeTan, 07.08.2017 at 10:00

With all due respect, the grammar in this article is poor.

Also, could someone quote me, pavle has me on ignore after he chose to not respect bugged wall t1 and ran away.

It's nice of you that you take your time to correct the grammar mistakes, and I would appreciate if you won't forward me spam messages.

I haven't sent you any messages, it could be the forward feature.
It puts my name if the original message was from me.

Yeah you're right. I took a quick glimpse on the small forward text and assumed it was message forwarded by you from 4chan because I have 4chan on ignore.
08.08.2017 - 17:59
 Sascha (Moderator)
Napisao Cold Case, 08.08.2017 at 13:37

Can you guys please learn to quote?

agree lul

Life has no limitations, except the ones you make.
--Les Brown
09.08.2017 - 05:30

Napisao Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
09.08.2017 - 07:36
Napisao Waffel, 09.08.2017 at 05:30

09.08.2017 - 11:14
Allahu Akbar !
09.08.2017 - 18:08
Napisao Waffel, 09.08.2017 at 05:30

Best post here

10.08.2017 - 00:29
Some good news in there for sure, nice post. But I agree with others that there needs to be less of a focus on mystics and more of a view on greater Atwar, though the stuff you have shared of the coalition has been interesting to read so its okay for now but just look into other fields in the future i think.
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
13.08.2017 - 11:44
Turns out you dont even need to win 2 games to advance in tourney, just tell tourney person that other person is trolling (with no proof of course) and he'll just advance you

Moldova is Romania

22.08.2017 - 20:21
Napisao Sascha, 07.08.2017 at 09:44

Napisao Evic, 07.08.2017 at 09:04

Jews run even the atwar media........

Hdrakon isnt involed in atwar Press. Every Supporter can confirm that.

I can't confirm that.

I could go further, but I believe theses words speaks for itself. Such a shame from you to support this.
22.08.2017 - 21:41
 Sascha (Moderator)
Napisao clovis1122, 22.08.2017 at 20:21

I can't confirm that.

you are inactive and you arent in supporters skype group of course you cant confirm this...

Napisao clovis1122, 22.08.2017 at 20:21

I could go further, but I believe theses words speaks for itself. Such a shame from you to support this.

yes this words speak for itself

Life has no limitations, except the ones you make.
--Les Brown
22.08.2017 - 22:03
Napisao Sascha, 22.08.2017 at 21:41

Napisao clovis1122, 22.08.2017 at 20:21

I can't confirm that.

you are inactive and you arent in supporters skype group of course you cant confirm this...

If you are going to discard any supporter for not being part of your Mystics club then sure... "all" supporters can confirm that hdrakon wasn't involved there.
23.08.2017 - 01:19
 Sascha (Moderator)
Napisao clovis1122, 22.08.2017 at 22:03

If you are going to discard any supporter for not being part of your Mystics club then sure... "all" supporters can confirm that hdrakon wasn't involved there.

I wont discard any supporter for the fact that hes not in the supporters skype group.
But sure i have to correct myself: "every supporter in this skype group can confirm that hdrakon isnt involed in Atwar Press".

At the moment we have 12 members in this group and we have 13 Supporters in atwar so its only you whos missing in that group.
Thats the reason why calling this group "mystics club" is just bullshit.

I really would appreciate it if you hadn't always prejudices against us.

Life has no limitations, except the ones you make.
--Les Brown
23.08.2017 - 04:21
I support the press, ignore the haters move on. They are just upset your actually doing something productive instead of adding to the toxicity.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
23.08.2017 - 06:13
I don't really know, hdrakon fan club or not, they're doing something so i suppose having a newspaper made by hdrakon fans will always be better than having none at all...

23.08.2017 - 06:36
Napisao Sascha, 23.08.2017 at 01:19

Napisao clovis1122, 22.08.2017 at 22:03

If you are going to discard any supporter for not being part of your Mystics club then sure... "all" supporters can confirm that hdrakon wasn't involved there.

But sure i have to correct myself: "every supporter in this skype group that was active the night right after the publication of the atWar Press (basically 1-4 supporters) can confirm that hdrakon isnt involed in Atwar Press".

But I guess we'll sort out that issue somewhere else.
23.08.2017 - 09:51
Napisao clovis1122, 22.08.2017 at 20:21

Napisao Sascha, 07.08.2017 at 09:44

Napisao Evic, 07.08.2017 at 09:04

Jews run even the atwar media........

Hdrakon isnt involed in atwar Press. Every Supporter can confirm that.

I can't confirm that.

I could go further, but I believe theses words speaks for itself. Such a shame from you to support this.

Shut up with your false allegations either you bring evidences or get lost I'm tired of you and your disturbing obsession with me.
And you have no right to speak at all in anything related to supporters. You've been inactive and a useless supporter for over a year now so fuck off.
Also you should receive a punishment for misleading the mods to ban me with the mod forum hack allegation that was proven to be false.
23.08.2017 - 10:49
Napisao Abraham, 23.08.2017 at 09:51

And you have no right to speak at all in anything related to supporters. You've been inactive and a useless supporter for over a year now so fuck off.

I don't think any supporter can say they have done anything "supportive" in the last year, if anything I would think Clovis would be the only one, so don't discredit him for being the only one that did really anything last year. Keep in mind I think Clovis has many flaws, a lack of contribution is not one of them. As for the rest of us, we have kind of been inactive, and the "new" ones feel they are moving the Earth by writing a press which is mind blowing to me.

As for the other stuff you said, I'm not getting involved in that drama.
Be Humble
24.08.2017 - 12:59
 Sascha (Moderator)
Napisao clovis1122, 23.08.2017 at 06:36

Napisao Sascha, 23.08.2017 at 01:19

Napisao clovis1122, 22.08.2017 at 22:03

If you are going to discard any supporter for not being part of your Mystics club then sure... "all" supporters can confirm that hdrakon wasn't involved there.

But sure i have to correct myself: "every supporter in this skype group that was active the night right after the publication of the atWar Press (basically 1-4 supporters) can confirm that hdrakon isnt involed in Atwar Press".

But I guess we'll sort out that issue somewhere else.

wasnt talking about the last atwar press edition

Life has no limitations, except the ones you make.
--Les Brown
25.08.2017 - 00:32
Napisao Darkmace, 23.08.2017 at 10:49

Napisao Abraham, 23.08.2017 at 09:51

And you have no right to speak at all in anything related to supporters. You've been inactive and a useless supporter for over a year now so fuck off.

I don't think any supporter can say they have done anything "supportive" in the last year, if anything I would think Clovis would be the only one, so don't discredit him for being the only one that did really anything last year. Keep in mind I think Clovis has many flaws, a lack of contribution is not one of them. As for the rest of us, we have kind of been inactive, and the "new" ones feel they are moving the Earth by writing a press which is mind blowing to me.

As for the other stuff you said, I'm not getting involved in that drama.

I was in supporter role for the time I mentioned that Clovis did nothing. I asked sun tzu to remove me from supporter position two and a half months ago so I'm pretty up to date and know what I'm talking about. He did not do anything and if you claim he did, prove it.

And what Pavle said is true. The only thing Clovis did at this time was to harass me, to threaten me, to slay my public image, and to deceive mods to ban me with lies. The fact he hasn't got punished for that is unfair what's more irritating is the fact he's continuing to harass me whenever he can.
25.08.2017 - 05:49
Napisao Oleg, 24.08.2017 at 20:54

Napisao Darkmace, 23.08.2017 at 10:49

Napisao Abraham, 23.08.2017 at 09:51

And you have no right to speak at all in anything related to supporters. You've been inactive and a useless supporter for over a year now so fuck off.

I don't think any supporter can say they have done anything "supportive" in the last year, if anything I would think Clovis would be the only one, so don't discredit him for being the only one that did really anything last year. Keep in mind I think Clovis has many flaws, a lack of contribution is not one of them. As for the rest of us, we have kind of been inactive, and the "new" ones feel they are moving the Earth by writing a press which is mind blowing to me.

As for the other stuff you said, I'm not getting involved in that drama.

Yeah, clovis has done so much last year... Spending his life to try to ban some player on online browser game, good contribution.....
For me, i hosted tournaments, made few of these press parts, answering in help chat, which is enough for the situation of this game currenty.

You haven't done anything you pitty liar.
Hosting tournaments doesn't mean anything anymore, they don't raise activity and interest like they used to, let me not mention that they don't even finish.
AtWar News has missed many Sundays plus it isn't something outstanding, yes it is something more than nothing but it is ridiculous the way you represent it as a thing that needs much work and time.
Only and only the thing that you mentioned your activity on help channel as your contribution as a supporter says a lot.I can count at least 3 players that have helped more than you in help channel.
25.08.2017 - 06:28
Nice.... simply, nice. When are we ever gonna grow the fuck up?
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

25.08.2017 - 08:09
All of you bickering are a disgrace. You guys do realise this thread is on the front page right....
25.08.2017 - 08:31
Napisao Oleg, 25.08.2017 at 06:23

Napisao Cold Case, 25.08.2017 at 05:49

You haven't done anything you pitty liar.
Hosting tournaments doesn't mean anything anymore, they don't raise activity and interest like they used to, let me not mention that they don't even finish.
AtWar News has missed many Sundays plus it isn't something outstanding, yes it is something more than nothing but it is ridiculous the way you represent it as a thing that needs much work and time.
Only and only the thing that you mentioned your activity on help channel as your contribution as a supporter says a lot.I can count at least 3 players that have helped more than you in help channel.

I can say that i did more than you, but i will stop here, you can continue if you want, but your bullshit won't support anything. The only thing that you constantly do is trying to slay public image of all mystics players together with clovis, you are wasting your energy on nothing. For the time that im on AW, i do something useful and enjoy the game, while players like you and clovis come and shittalk, can you understand that this is just one browser game.... Now, go away to off topic and shittalk about us, we won't answer you there.

I don't give a shit about your mystics fan club lol nor do I try to "slay"(lol) your public image.You are "slaying"(lol) it yourself by lying.
25.08.2017 - 17:17
But atleast they made a game better than you ever will and tried to do a news on every sunday, but they might have family problems you dont know about so leave them the fuck alone. Capiche? (aimed at Cold Case)
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