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27.02.2025 - 21:02
Hey friends, it's Dominoz. This may come as a surprise to many of you, not the goodbye part, but the mature side of me. Throughout my atwar history, I've put on this "toxic" character all for jokes, whether or not the receiving end found it as a joke. If you got to know me, I'm actually just a chill guy. I apologize to everyone that thinks that I have bad blood with you because of my jokes, truly. Anyways, this has been a long awaited goodbye from me as some of you may know my plans of leaving forever from last season when clan wars were a daily activity. Unfortunately atwar is on its deathbed, connected to a life support machine that's waiting for its plugs to be pulled. I started playing this game out of curiosity one day all the way back in 2016 when I was just thirteen years old. Never had plans to play this game for as long as I am currently, just a game to distract myself for the time being. I'm thankful that my experience was made fun by the people I met over the years that eventually convinced me to play on this game. I won't name the players individually as that would take up a lot of time with a list and loads of emotional personal messages so from the bottom of my heart, truly, I am thankful to have gotten to meet you all on this game. I have never opened up before but as this is my goodbye, why not. I was very depressed from 2019-2021 and the only escape from reality that I had was this game. I used to talk with a lot of people about my depression like Swans, Waffel, and Syrian-force. At one point I almost carried through with suicide but fortunately I was able to be saved from both real life friends and my friends on here. Now I am completely fine, one year before I get my degree with a fiancé and hopefully children soon. Anyways, enough of the sad stories. I'm so, so thankful for everyone on here and continue to be the rockstars you all are. Chase your dreams, become that person you have always wanted to be. There are better days, trust me.

28.02.2025 - 00:25
I'm glad you're doing well in life! A job, wife, and children will sure be a lot to handle with little time for games in general. However, if you ever get extremely bored and have extra time, pop into aw because its a much more fun place with you here.
28.02.2025 - 06:13
What an inspiring message! I couldn't identify more with your words. For me, atWar was like an escape from reality. My greatest motivation has always been, and will always be, the community, but without it, none of this makes sense anymore. I don't see any satisfaction in winning alone, without anyone, and against bots. Please don't add bots, that would be awful. Anyway, thank you for everything: for letting me play on your account when I didn't have premium, for letting me publish a meme guide in your account without your permission, and for sharing countless CWs with Tempest and Kogi.

Today a chapter closes, and a new one begins.

I hope you have success in life, and remember that humility comes first!
28.02.2025 - 06:17
Napisao Dominoz, 27.02.2025 at 21:02

Hey friends, it's Dogminoz.

Sure! Here's a message you can send, balancing your feelings of frustration with a bit of humor:

"Alright, Dogminoz... So you're quitting the game, huh? Honestly, I'm a little salty you didn't even think to mention me in your final words. I guess I didn't make the cut for the farewell list, huh? It's cool, though, I'll try to get over it (maybe). Good luck with whatever you're off to do next, but don't think I'll forget about the snub. Take care... or don't."

This keeps the frustration in check but still lets your friend know you're a bit hurt!

01.03.2025 - 00:43
You weren't toxic at all, you just scratched the surface of what is truly possible. If you expand your horizons, maybe one day you can be toxic
Happiness = reality - expectations
01.03.2025 - 18:04
Sad to see you go, it was awesome playing together!!! thanks for all the good memories and wins.

This goes to show that we should always look after one another, no one knows what battles the other person is fighting.

With that being said, i want to share a picture with everyone. This picture is called "The Day Earth Smiled" and its the first picture we took of earth. When we sent a satellite in our solar system one of the biggest philosophers ( i forgot his name and i aint googling, you can do that yourself) said "when the space craft reaches saturn lets turn the camera around and take a picture of earth".

As you can see, reality is much bigger than our planet, much bigger than our dreams, much bigger than our happiness, worrying, concerns, and ourselves. So every time anyone feels sad or down, just look at this picture and youll realize none of it matters and none of it is as big or as serious as we may feel it is. So just enjoy life - Most of people who could be born will never be born. Dont forget, you made it to the egg out of trillions. you were meant to be here amongst us and you are living the dream of someone else.

01.03.2025 - 21:53
Good luck in ur adventures fren remember what u learned from atwar
02.03.2025 - 06:19
Napisao AlBoZzZ, 01.03.2025 at 18:04


02.03.2025 - 09:43
Napisao AlBoZzZ, 01.03.2025 at 18:04

Sad to see you go, it was awesome playing together!!! thanks for all the good memories and wins.

This goes to show that we should always look after one another, no one knows what battles the other person is fighting.

With that being said, i want to share a picture with everyone. This picture is called "The Day Earth Smiled" and its the first picture we took of earth. When we sent a satellite in our solar system one of the biggest philosophers ( i forgot his name and i aint googling, you can do that yourself) said "when the space craft reaches saturn lets turn the camera around and take a picture of earth".

As you can see, reality is much bigger than our planet, much bigger than our dreams, much bigger than our happiness, worrying, concerns, and ourselves. So every time anyone feels sad or down, just look at this picture and youll realize none of it matters and none of it is as big or as serious as we may feel it is. So just enjoy life - Most of people who could be born will never be born. Dont forget, you made it to the egg out of trillions. you were meant to be here amongst us and you are living the dream of someone else.

Who are you and what did you do to Corrambo?
03.03.2025 - 06:18
Aint no way corrambo wrote that oh no no no ahhhhhaahh
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

10.03.2025 - 00:29
Keep hating IHY though hue

TJM !!!

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